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Том 334, № 12 (2013)


Военно-медицинской академии имени С.М.Кирова — 215 лет

Бельских А.Н.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):4-4
pages 4-4 views

Колыбель военной медицины

Цыган В.Н.


The Kirov Military Medical Academy, included into the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, plays an important role in national military-medical science and education during XVIII and XIX centuries. Today the Kirov Military Medical Academy consists of 7 faculties, 63 departments (52 military departments and 11 civil departments), 31 clinics (17 surgical clinics and 14 therapeutic clinics), center of extracorporeal detoxification, 3 departments, taking part in treatment and diagnostic process, 11 clinical subdivisions, research center consisting of 4 research subdivisions and 2 laboratories, and also 14 research laboratories, 32 supply subdivisions and publications department. Glorious staff and graduates of the Academy took part in all russian wars. All famous medical schools were founded in the Academy in XIX-XX centuries. At the present time the Kirov Military Medical Academy is the main military medical university, leading research center und treatment facility of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Веб-сайт Военно-медицинской академии

Кувакин В.И., Васильев Г.Г.


The article deals with the organization of work, evaluation and optimization of the official web site of the Kirov Military Medical Academy. The website of the Kirov Academy is presented as a multifunctional IT tool for support of its activity. Tasks and functions of the Kirov Academy web site, as well as technological features of its work are listed. Some of its quantitative characteristics as a user tool for the access to information resources of the Kirov Academy are given. The description of the site structure and its pages are presented. The requirements for information materials submitted for posting on the site are set out. The data of webometric ranking of Russian institutions of higher education and research institutes are analyzed, the location of the Academy web site in this rating is shown. The areas for further improvement of the Academy web site, its structure and services are stated.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Оказание первичной медико-санитарной помощи при травмах органа зрения

Бойко Э.В., Чурашов С.В., Алябьев М.В.


This article is devoted to the actual problem of modern ophthalmology — primary health care in cases of mechanical ocular trauma. The article presents the information about the most common ocular trauma and secondary organs of eye, which can occur in the practice of the military doctor. The article includes epidemiological analysis of eye injuries in peacetime and wartime. The authors propose an algorithm for examining patients with damages of visual organs. They also suggest the most informative diagnostic techniques and manipulations that can be performed in a medical center of a military unit with the help of provided resources to the correct formulation of preliminary diagnosis and choice of evacuation destination of a wounded person. These diagnostic manipulations do not require special skills and can be carried out in a medical center of a military unit. In their article, the authors propose an approximate algorithm of therapeutic measures carried out using medicines of primary health care that can be performed in a medical centre of a military unit with a help of provided resources, with an indication of drugs, dosage and ways of injection. Performing the described list of simple treatment measures for eye care allows a high degree of probability to achieve the prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications of eye injuries and subsidiary organs. This article is intended to military doctors and paramedics.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):17-26
pages 17-26 views

Становление школы военной нейрохирургии в стенах Военно-медицинской академии

Гайдар Б.В., Парфёнов В.Е., Свистов Д.В., Полежаев А.В., Беляков К.В., Ландик С.А., Писанов Н.А.


The article is devoted to stages of formation of the school of military neurosurgery. Famous pioneers of this school were Vsevolod Galkin and Boris Samotokin. Their scientific works were based on personal experience of treatment for the battle scull and brain injuries during the Great Patriotic War. The main aim of the activity of the talented researcher Vitaliy Khilko was to develop microneurosurgery, neuroimmunology and fundamental researchers of cerebral blood flow pathology. Boris Gaidar and Valeriy Parfyonov reorganized the echelon neurosurgical care system in a relatively short time. This reorganization formed the basis of the modern principles of specialized neurosurgical care in armed conflicts. At the present time department of neurosurgery is the leading methodological and clinical center of military neurosurgery in Russia.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):27-32
pages 27-32 views

Хирургия в Академии: история, достижения и перспективы

Майстренко Н.А., Самохвалов И.М.


The 215 th anniversary of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy (now Military Medical) is a reason not only for celebration, but also is the moment of truth, connecting the great history of surgical development in Russian and its prospects in 21 st century. The Kirov Military Medical Academy is the center of professional education for military surgeons. There is not only military medical research and practice, but also clinical. The main goal of the Academy is development of different schools of the Academy. These schools are the fundamental basis for researches and military-medical staff training able for any service during the peace and wartime. Nowadays the Academy is not only the leading institute on battlefield surgery and treatment of severe multisystem injuries, but also the training center for emergency medicine.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Клиническая токсикология в Академии: вчера, сегодня, завтра

Сафронов Г.А., Халимов Ю.Ш., Матвеев С.Ю., Кузьмич В.Г., Фомичёв А.В.


National toxicology school of the Kirov Military Medical Academy, demonstrates the unity of clinical and experimental approaches related to one purpose throughout its history — saving human life and health from exposure to toxic substances of chemical nature. For more than three centuries the russian science of toxicology has been steadily developing, often ahead of the world science. It helped to create the means of protection and develop methods of treatment for chemical lesions. Currently, toxicology departments of military field therapy and military toxicology and medical protection are actively involved in the current study of military medicine, restructuring policy to provide toxicological aid in the Armed Forces, the development and introduction of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of victims of toxicological etiology.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Роль ученых и сотрудников Военно-медицинской академии в развитии системы медицинского снабжения войск (сил)

Мирошниченко Ю.В., Кононов В.Н., Перфильев А.Б.


The Military Medical Academy has been solving theoretical and practical issues, concerning development of military medical supply, for 215 years. At different time periods and according to needs of military medicine and pharmacy researches and employees of the Academy aimed efforts to: development of the theory and practice of medical supply organization, regulatory basis of the system of medical supply, development of new samples of medical equipment, development of medicine manufacturing technologies and methods of quality control, researches in the area of medicine radiochemistry, forensic chemistry and toxicology, herbal and mineral water analysis and etc. At the present time there are the following education programs at the Academy: «Pharmacy», magister program «Management of medical supply», program for resident physicians «Management and economics of pharmacy.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):46-50
pages 46-50 views

По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):51-51
pages 51-51 views

Адъюнктура Военно-медицинской академии: история, современность и перспективы

Котив Б.Н., Ивченко Е.В., Зубенко А.И., Овчинников Д.В.


Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff is one of the most important tasks of any high school. The problem of staff training arose in the Kirov Military Medical (Medical Surgical) Academy before its official foundation. In 1741 first scholars were sent abroad for the preparation of theses. The scholars were supposed to return to the hospital schools for teaching activity. Since 1802 scholars have defended their theses in the Academy. In 1858 special medical institute, the prototype of the Institute for postgraduate military studies was established. Many outstanding scientists studied in the Academy and brought name of the Academy into repute. At the present time, the Institute of postgraduate military studies (postgraduate) of the Kirov Military Medical Academy continues to train scientific staff. The Institute of postgraduate military studies remains one of the most successful institutes in Russia.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Этапы становления и развития отечественной военной неврологии и психиатрии

Одинак М.М., Шамрей В.К., Чудиновских А.Г., Гончаренко А.Ю., Цыган Н.В.


The article is devoted to the stages of formation and development of military neurology and psychiatry in Russia. Scholars of anxiety and mental disoders department of the Medical and Surgical Academy (Military Medical) made great contribution to development of scientific and organizational peculiarities of these medical disciplines and many other allied studies. Authors analyze the contribution of military psychiatrists and neurologists to the modern concept of mental care delivery in peace and wartime, research focus ares and prospects of its development.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Первая в России кафедра инфекционных болезней: история становления, основные достижения и перспективы развития отечественной инфектологии

Лобзин Ю.В., Жданов К.В.


Russian first department of infectious diseases, which has great traditions and achievements, as of right is a brilliant constellation of national researchers and practitioners military infectology, not only brought the Kirov Military Medical Academy into repute, but also made a huge contribution to the development of the science of infectious diseases and the establishment of an effective system treatment and prevention of these diseases. This article outlines the main historical stages of infectology in the armed forces of our country, summed up the contribution of members of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Military Medical Academy in medical science, marked modern progress and prospects of development of military infectology.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):68-82
pages 68-82 views

Лента новостей

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Официальный отдел

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):83-86
pages 83-86 views

По страницам монографии «Выдающиеся гигиенисты России»

Гребеньков С.В., Цветков С.В.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):87-88
pages 87-88 views

Homo sum: мемуары Алексея Петровича Быстрова

Поддубный М.В.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):89-91
pages 89-91 views

Международная научно-практическая конференция по военной медицине

Котив Б.Н., Ивченко Е.В., Мавренков Э.М.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2013;334(12):92-93
pages 92-93 views
pages 94-96 views

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