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Том 333, № 3 (2012)


Заболеваемость туберкулезом военнослужащих по призыву в современных условиях

Безносик Р.В., Гришин В.К., Савицкий Г.Г., Гришин А.В.


Among identified in the army for one year of active tuberculosis patients constitute 38,7% of the number of soldiers from young recruits, including 59,7% of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. At the same time during the examination of these individuals revealed only about half of patients. Timely delivery of fluorographic examination recruitment plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Armed Forces. From the military doctors need more work in groups at increased risk of tuberculosis, early identification of need in the dispensary dynamic observation and conducting a full range of therapeutic and preventive measures in foci of tuberculous infection.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Диагностика и профилактика паразитозов в войсках Южного военного округа

Молчанов В.Ю., Петров А.В., Артамонова А.А.


The results of the sanitary-parasitological studies, performed in 2010 in the Southern Military District. Detection of excited-makers parasitoses in soldiers was 1.5%. Allocated to eight species of helminthes and 4 — the simplest. A set of preventive measures tick parasites in the army.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Сравнительная оценка реабилитационных возможностей после органосохранных операций, выполненных по поводу тяжелых повреждений глаз

Бойко Э.В., Шамрей Д.В., Сосновский С.В., Куликов А.Н.


Postoperative analysis of rehabilitative potentialities in 59 patients operated on occasion of severe eye trauma with the use of various methods of ophthalmosurgery has been presented. It has been "demonstrated that the method of organ preserving complex vitreoretinal surgery provided evading enucleation and retaining the damaged eyeball in 96,4% of cases. In 82,1% of cases it has been succeeded in retaining some vision functions and raising considerably the indices of life quality. It has been determined that properly made silicone tamponade provides the support of the necessary ophthalmotone and prevention of progressive growing of posttraumatic eyeball subatrothy — the most frequent outcome of a severe eye trauma.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):13-19
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Видеоторакоскопия в диагностике и хирургическом лечении туберкулеза и другой патологии органов дыхания

Полянский В.К., Кузьмин О.В.


Resection operations performed on the lung using endoscopic techniques are divided into VATS and video-assisted thoracoscopy. Our experience with VATS in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and other respiratory disorders is 66 transactions. Complications in the postoperative period were not observed. The advantages of VATS in phtiziosurgical practice are high information content, reducing the time of diagnosis; reduction in the number of patients receiving test treatment, improve treatment quality and outcome of disease through early diagnosis verification, reducing economic losses due to refusal of the trial unreasonably prolonged courses of therapy for tuberculosis in the absence of radiographic dynamics.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):20-23
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Комплексная морфологическая диагностика туберкулеза и саркоидоза легких

Лепёха Л.Н., Бурцева С.А., Евгущенко Г.В.


Differential diagnosis of disseminated lung diseases, particularly tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, presents certain difficulties for clinicians. In the verification of the diagnosis a decisive role belongs to the morphological study, for which the most commonly used material is transbronchial biopsy. Diagnostic signs of active disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis are presence of different-sized granulomas with signs merger, necrosis, infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, weakly expressed fibrillogenesis. Cytological markers of a specific process are young biosinteziruyuschie macrophages and acid-fast bacilli. The diagnostic features of pulmonary sarcoidosis are monomorphic granulomas with no tendency to merge and necrotisation expressed fibrosis and hyalinization processes. Cytological marker for the disease is the high content of epithelioid cells with signs of secretion.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):24-28
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Эндоскопические методы в дифференциальной диагностике туберкулеза и онкологических заболеваний органов дыхания

Волков В.С.


For 25 years (1986—2011) in endoscopy unit of the branch of the 1 FBU «3 TSVKG Russian Ministry of Defense n. a. A.A.Vishnevskiy — «initially examined 18 169 patients admitted on the various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In the bronchial study tuberculosis of bronchus was diagnosed in 1544 patients, representing 8,5% of all TB patients. Complicated bronchial tuberculosis (infiltrative-ulcerative and broncho-fistulezny TB) were diagnosed in 382 (24,8%) patients. Neoplastic process in bronchi was detected in 145 (0,8%) patients, including the central cancer was found in 109, peripheral — at 36. An increase in tuberculosis and cancer of the respiratory system requires medical endoscopists to targeted search for endoscopic studies, not only the specific features of tuberculous bronchial lesions, but also the cancer process in them. In the case of detection of pathological changes in the pleura and lung parenchyma should be preferred thoracoscopy.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):29-32
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Проблемы микробиологической диагностики туберкулеза

Аникин В.А., Гришин В.К.


Objective methods of confirmation the diagnosis of tuberculosis are bacteriological (detection and isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and histological (detection of specific elements of granulomatous inflammation in the tissues). To improve the quality of microbiological examination of patients are needed equip clinical diagnostic laboratory fluorescent microscopes, modern flyuorohromnymi dyes and related training.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):33-36
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Витаминно-минеральные комплексы в рационе питания военнослужащих: влияние на баланс железа, меди и марганца, иммунную реактивность и физическую работоспособность

Зайцева И.П., Насолодин В.В., Зайцев О.Н., Гладких И.П., Козниенко И.В., БЕЛЯКОВ Р.А., Аршинов Н.П.


Conducted with the participation of 50 students of military educational study the effect of various vitamin and mineral complexes for the provision by the body naturally iron, copper and manganese on the immune and physical status. Found that diets enriched BMV was accompanied by a significant delay in the micro-elements, mainly iron, which indicates a deficiency of these bioelements in chickens Santo during the summer. Under the influence of vitamin-mineral complexes significantly increased rates of natural and specific immunity. As the delay increases significantly increased iron medical indicators of immunological reaction efficiency and physical performance.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):37-41
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Структура небоевых повреждений у спасенных и погибших в мирное время в морских катастрофах военных кораблей

Закревский Ю.Н., Мануйлов В.М.


The structure of accidents and injuries in victims of major maritime disasters involving fires and explosions on warships from 1976—2011. It is established that the main damage of the injured are acute inhalation of carbon monoxide poisoning is mild, 33,3%, combined blast and mechanical trauma 25%, the combined mechanical and burn trauma-cold 21,2%, the combined mechanical-burn injury 13,4%, combined blast and cold injuries 5,3%, burns and chemical damage a 1,8%. The main causes of mortality were acute inhalation poisoning with carbon monoxide, severe burns of the upper respiratory tract burns, III and IV 12,4%. Burns I and II degree against carbon monoxide poisoning is mild with drowning as a major cause of death recorded 11,8%; combined mechanical-burn were travmy19,2%, the combined mechanical-burn-cold injury was 9,4%, combined blast and mechanical trauma 26,3%, combined explosive, mechanical, and cold injuries 14,7%, and chemical burn of 6,2%.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):42-47
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Использование современных аптечек для оказания первой помощи военнослужащим Вооруженных сил Российской Федерации

Мирошниченко Ю.В., Гребенюк А.Н., Кононов В.Н., Ступников А.В., Минаев Д.Ю.


Taken to supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, individual and group first aid kits include a range of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices, which ensures effective implementation of measures of first aid to servicemen injured and wounded in the performance of combat training missions, the conduct of hostilities with conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction, as well as the occurrence of natural and man-made disasters (catastrophes).
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):48-54
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Краткие сообщения

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):55-67
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По страницам зарубежной медицинской печати

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):68-70
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Генерал-майор медицинской службы Александр Егорович Девяткин (К 70-летию со дня рождения)

Калмыков А.А., Малых А.Б., Новиков В.А.


The article is devoted to the 70th anniversary of Armed Forces veteran, a distinguished physician of the Russian Federation, former head of the medical service of the North Caucasian Military District (1991—1999), Major-General of Medical Service Alexander Egorovich Devyatkin (27.02.1942—15.04.2003). With the outbreak of hostilities in the Chechen Republic A.E.Devyatkin was appointed to chief of medical service combined grouping of troops (forces). In the current environment, when combat operations had a number of specific features, he showed a high organizational abilities. It was he who, abandoning the pattern, planned and implemented a new system of medical care. Under the leadership of A.E.Devyatkina was then applied to a new system of medical evacuation. To evacuate the wounded and sick from the front edge of the medical company, medical battalion used armored vehicles, and the evacuation of the military hospitals was carried out only by air. All life is a worthy example of the general selfless service to the Motherland and was devoted to the noble cause of preserving and strengthening the health of the Armed Forces of our country.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Московское Семеновское кладбище — памятник воинской славы России

Максимов И.Б., Медведев Г.А., Смирнова А.Г., Овчинникова М.Б.


Until recently, beyond the attention of the public and the scientific community remains the question of memorializatsii once existed in Moscow, a large-scale military burial — Semenov military cemetery. This cemetery was not associated with any one war, and actually covered several periods of military history of Russia. Today, this place can be perceived as a symbol of Russia’s military prowess, as a unique fraternal burial of soldiers of different generations. Today, thanks to the initiative of the public, the Chief Military Clinical Hospital. N.N.Burdenko Institute of History and Archives State Humanitarian University, the Union of Russian ethnographers, with the support of the Prefecture of HLW in Moscow and the district council «Falcon Hill» is working on giving the territory of the park, located in the cemeteries of Semenov, the status of places of interest here in order to create a military memorial. August 25, 2011 there was established the foundation stone of the future memorial. Continued hard work to gather and organize archival materials on the history of the necropolis Semenov, developed the scientific and artistic vision for the future memorial site. Memorial, designed by leading Russian experts — historians, sculptors, architects, artists who will be able to enrich the historical and cultural heritage of the city, will preserve the historical continuity of the traditions of the military glory of Russia, to perpetuate the memory of generations of defenders of the Fatherland.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):76-81
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Филиалу № 1 ФБУ «3 ЦВКГ им. А.А.Вишневского Минобороны России» — 60 лет

Безносик Р.В., Савицкий Г.Г.


The history of creation and development of the Central Tuberculosis Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR — now branch № 1 FBU «3 TsVKG of the Russian Defense Ministry n. a. A.A.Vishnevsky». The contribution into the hospital, not only in organizing of effective treatment, but also into study the state of TB control in the armed forces, the development of methods for differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms are presented. The incidence of tuberculosis in the country remains high, so the problem faced by the institution, remain relevant and responsible.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):82-85
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Официальный отдел

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Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):86-87
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44-й Всемирный конгресс хирургов

Брюсов П.Г.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):88-90
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Международная научная конференция «Современная военно-полевая хирургия и хирургия повреждений»

Самохвалов И.М., Головко К.П., Голубева А.А.
Военно-медицинский журнал. 2012;333(3):91-96
pages 91-96 views

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