Experience in using ultrasound in the diagnosis of epithelial coccygeal duct




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An analysis was made of the possibility of using the ultrasound method for diagnosing the epithelial coccygeal tract, assessing the topographic characteristics of the pathological process, differential diagnosis of soft tissue pathology of the sacrococcygeal region and monitoring the results of surgical treatment of the epithelial coccygeal tract. A clinical example demonstrates that ultrasound examination of the epithelial coccygeal duct is a method that is accessible and quite informative. This method allows for the accurate determination of the topical characteristics of the formation, the performance of a primary differential diagnosis of pathology, the assessment of peripheral tissue condition, and the monitoring of postoperative treatment results.




O. Kharamanyan

12th Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Russian Defense Ministry

Email: haramolga@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Yu. Solodyannikova

12th Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Russian Defense Ministry

Email: haramolga@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

E. Guzenko

12th Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Russian Defense Ministry

Email: haramolga@yandex.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. Ultrasound of soft tissues of the sacrococcygeal region, B-mode. Epithelial coccygeal tract. Cranial located fistula tract. In the lumen of the ECX there are linear hyperechoic structures - hair

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3. Fig. 2. Blindly ending additional fistula tract

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4. Fig. 3. In the subcutaneous fat along the periphery of the ECC, a vascular reaction is determined

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5. Fig. 4. Control examination of the soft tissues of the sacrococcygeal region in the postoperative period: postoperative cicatricial changes were detected, fistula tracts were not identified

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版权所有 © Kharamanyan O.M., Solodyannikova Y.M., Guzenko E.V., 2023

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