Treatment of carbunculosis of burgeon by military servicemen



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The article presents the analyzes of medical histories of 16 patients, treated from suppurative diseases of burgeon (13 carbunculosis, 1 nephrepostasis, 2 abscesses of paranephric cellulose) from 1997 to 2009. Effectuated examinations and treatment of patients with suppurative diseases of burgeon speak to insufficient educating work of the medical service of a military unit in the sphere of prophylaxis if suppurative and catarrhal diseases, what leads to delayed call for medical aid. The second place by level of negative influence of appearance of supparative diseases of urinary organs is taken by conditions of service in northern climate and not full adaptation of service men to these conditions. Changing of food ration also leads to decreasing of immunity and organism general-defense status in conditions of extreme conditions of military service. The article presents indications to operative and conservative treatment of carbunculosis of burgeon.




V. Plekhanov

N. Sergienko


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版权所有 © Plekhanov V.N., Sergienko N.F., 2009

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