Features of preoperative planning of patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the hip and knee joints


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The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the main medical and statistical characteristics and comorbid background of 1782 patients with coxarthrosis who were admitted for hip arthroplasty and 2482 with gonarthrosis for knee arthroplasty. With both sites of arthrosis, women were more common than men (with coxarthrosis, about 2 times, with gonarthrosis, almost 4 times). In coxarthrosis, the proportion of men with comorbidities was higher than that in gonarthrosis, in women - an inverse relationship. In both cases, hypertension and obesity were the most common comorbidities. In young patients, the best results were obtained with the use of minimally invasive techniques - short legs with coxarthrosis and single-denture prostheses with gonarthrosis, which must be considered when planning the provision of high-tech medical care.




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版权所有 © Lychagin A.V., Gritsyuk A.A., Gasymov A.S., Gasanov Y.S., Kryukov E.V., Brizhan’ L.K., Buryachenko B.P., Varfolomeev D.I., 2019

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