Predictors of gastrointestinal neoplasia (Literature review)


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Gastrointestinal neoplasia is one of the most serious problems of modern medicine. Colorectal cancer ranks third in the overall structure of malignant tumors and accounts for 10% of all cancers. At the same time, in every third patient at the time of diagnosis, a common form of the tumor process is already noted. The main reason for this situation is the extremely low detectability of the tumor in the early stages of development. There is a clinical need for predictive biomarkers to enable the earliest and more accurate identification of patients with a high risk of disease recurrence and to prescribe the optimal treatment for them. The review systematizes information about the used and promising diagnostic indicators that allow early detection of colorectal cancer, determine the prognosis of the disease, as well as assist in choosing the most effective therapy.




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版权所有 © Lantukhov D.V., Khalimov Y.S., Shcherbak S.G., Vologzhanin D.A., Kamilova T.A., Slesareva E.G., 2019

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