First experience of an aviation evacuation of wounded and ill during wars of the beginning of XX century (1900-1930)

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Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the main stages of the formation of the theory and practice of transportation of victims by air in wars of the beginning of the 20th century have been recreated. The importance of the initiative work carried out by aviation enthusiasts, primarily by representatives of public organizations and individual doctors in order to gain practical experience in the use of airplanes for transporting people in need of medical institutions, is emphasized. The factors that objectively prevented the extensive use of aviation technology for medical purposes during the First World War were summarized. The first conclusions of experts on the results of the few cases of transporting the wounded from the front areas to hospitals, as well as proposals to optimize the interaction between various military structures in the organization of evacuation by air are given. Information is presented on the first French air ambulance unit, tactics, flight planning principles and the advantages of air evacuation during combat operations in colonial operations.

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