Evaluation of professional skills of anesthesiologists-reanimatologists


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The modern system of medical education requires the use of objective methods for assessing the clinical competence of medical professionals. The use of an objective structured clinical exam during the final certification of graduates of residency allows you to evaluate manual skills and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge. The experience of conducting such an exam as part of the state certification of graduates of residency at the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy allows considering this methodology as a way of objectivizing the comprehensive assessment of the training of medical specialists. Inclusion into the program of an objective structured clinical exam of highly realistic patient simulators makes it possible to evaluate the non-technical skills of anesthesiologists, which determine the effectiveness of actions in critical situations. Testing and introduction of rating scales into the evaluation system, improvement of the exam program, and an increase in the number of clinical scenarios for conducting simulation sessions were planned.




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版权所有 © Andreenko A.A., Ershov E.N., Lakhin R.E., Makarenko E.P., Faizov I.I., Tsygankov K.A., Shatalov V.I., Shchegolev A.V., 2018

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