The modern state and improvement prospects of community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis differential diagnostics


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The current article is dedicated to the modern state and improvement prospects of community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis differential diagnostics. According to the official domestic statistics pulmonary tuberculosis continues to be a serious problem for the Russian Federation. One of the tuberculosis prevention most important factors is its early diagnostics. Unrecognized pulmonary tuberculosis is the leading factor of the inhospital tuberculosis dissemination. On the basis of the current international and domestic guidelines it is shown that in order to improve the community-acquired pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis differential diagnostics it is necessary to introduce mandatory sputum specimens light-emitting diode microscopy and Xpert-testing of all patients admitted with pulmonary tuberculosis suspecion with airspace opacity/consolidation on chest x-ray as well as their isolation until tuberculosis exclusion.




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版权所有 © Dantsev V.V., Golota A.S., Karpuschenko V.G., Krassii A.B., Kuzin A.A., 2015

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