Perspective technologies of surgical care to the wounded


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A goal of this study is to review perspective technologies of surgical care to the wounded on the basis of an analysis of the experience in medical support in local armed conflicts and a study of the achievements of modern trauma surgery. The study is based on the analysis of personal experience, results of scientific researches being carried out in the Military Medical Academy and a comparison review of available papers and works in the field of our study. Perspective technologies of surgical care to the wounded are strongly dependent on the pre-hospital care: high technologies in personal medical equipment, special disposable devices used in case of life-threatening consequences of injuries and traumas during emergency medical care and advanced trauma management. The main innovation of the last ten years in war surgery is considered to be damage control surgery. Wide application of abbreviated surgical operations (the first phase of damage control surgery) makes the use of remote surgery (telesurgery) for treatment of the wounded more practicable. Increasing effectiveness of military surgeon education is based on the use of all possible achievements in education and information technologies. Feedback in surgical care to the wounded is supplied with analysis of its results in the medical Register of the wounded military.




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版权所有 © Samokhvalov I.M., Badalov V.I., Reva V.A., Golovko K.P., Petrov A.N., Kaznacheyev M.V., Rozov A.I., 2013

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