Prospective concepts of the military field therapy development


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The authors suggested the main problems solved by the military field therapy: development, scientific rationale, systematic improvement and practical application of the organizational form of first aid for the wounded in conditions of combat actions; research on the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of states caused by effect of weapon of mass destruction (nuclear weapon, chemical weapon, etc); development of methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of the abovementioned states; research of the pattern, clinical progression and treatment of somatization disorders in conditions of combat and casual activity of troops, analysis of morbidity among the troops and development of prophylaxis; formulation of military-medical questionnaire and development of the system of rehabilitation for the wounded. Searching for innovative methods for solving the problems of military field therapy is the current problem. Modern warfare changed the concept of delivery of health care, effectiveness of evacuative actions, training of medical personnel and medical maintaining. The authors came to conclusion that qualitative technology breakthrough in development of military medicine and military field therapy would not happen without strategic understanding and learning of prospect technologies.




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版权所有 © Khalimov Y.S., Matveyev S.Y., Kuzmitch V.G., Vetryakov O.V., 2013

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