Formation of sanitary losses of therapeutic profile in local wars and military conflicts



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The necessity of improvement of the therapeutic care organization in the RF Armed Forces is dictated by the existing military threats. Conflicts between states or within a single country along with inefficiency of diplomatic,social and political efforts may lead to armed conflicts or local wars. Analysis of medical support results shows the consistent prevalence of therapeutic group of casualties in the overall structure of medical losses. 35—50% of all sanitary losses is accounted for by somatic diseases. Moreover, their structure is similar to the structure of the army’s peacetime morbidity rate. Respiratory diseases head the list of somatic diseases in military personnel. Next — diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems. One of the most important tasks for physicians in wartime is early diagnosis and treatment of visceral pathology in the wounded. An additional point is that the use of tactical nuclear weapons during the armed conflict or local war cannot be completely excluded. There is also a real risk of nuclear and chemical facilities damage, with consequences that are comparable to the use of nuclear or chemical weapons. Thus, in the course of armed conflict or local war, military physicians can meet all possible therapeutic spectrum of pathology: from visceral pathology of peace and wartime to combat related therapeutic pathology.




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版权所有 © Khalimov Y.S., Tkachuk N.A., Zhekalov A.N., 2012

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
Регистрационный номер и дата принятия решения о регистрации СМИ: № 01975 от 30.12.1992.