Application of device for local compression of injured magistral arteries of extremities



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External hemorrhage of extremities wounds is the leading cause of soldiers’ death on the battlefield. In these cases control of massive arterial bleeding require not only prompt and effective measures, but also safety procedure. We assessed on volunteers the effectiveness, application time and pain intensity during the use of construction powerful quick-grip one-handed bar clamp. In results we found that the use of improvised quick-grip clamp for hemorrhage control in axillary and popliteal areas stops arterial blood flow in an extremity in all cases proven by Doppler ultrasound examination. Application time in axillary zone was 15,3±5,2 sec, in popliteal area — 27,3±8,0 sec. In the groin area, the use of this improvised device was not effective due to technical characteristics (small distance between the main frame and the pressure surfaces). There do appear to be sufficient reasons to design the universal clamp for hemorrhage control from the wounds of junctional zones as well as proximal segments of extremities on Advanced Trauma Management stage and also for civilian prehospital emergency care.




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版权所有 © Samokhvalov I.M., Pronchenko A.A., Reva V.A., 2012

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