Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis: modern approaches to differential diagnostics and a choice of tactics of treatment (Review of literature)


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The problem of diagnostics acute mesenteric a lymphadenitis is actual and till now not solved. Use laparoscopy techniques in differential diagnostics of acute surgical diseases of an abdominal cavity has opened new prospects. Acute mesenteric the lymphadenitis in clinical practice can be surveyed as a polyetiological syndrome of the enlarged mesenteric/lymph nodes. If acute mesenteric the lymphadenitis is implication of infectious diseases medicament therapy is spent. A biopsy of a lymph node with the subsequent histological research at an infectious disease not informative. At verification of tubercular, oncology and autoimmune diseases is the basic method of diagnostics.




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版权所有 © Yesipov A.V., Kislenko A.M., Eryashev F.A., Bespalko V.I., Shmakov S.N., 2010

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