Quality of a life of military seamen of Northern fleet


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Research of quality of a life of military seamen with use of the Russian-speaking version of the general questionnaire of health «Medical Outcomes Study-Short Forms» (SF-36) is conducted. 600 military men at the age from 18 till 55 years are surveyed. Military seamen have highly appreciated the quality of a life. Absolute values of indicators of quality of a life on all scales 70 points that is considered, how very high there are more. The physical component of health is estimated by military men above, than psychological. Values of indicators of quality of a life on all scales of questionnaire SF-36 at men were above, than at women, with preservation of the general tendency more an appreciation of a physical component of health. Military men on an appeal have estimated the quality of a life above, than military men under the contract. Essential distinctions in an estimation of quality of a life in group of military men under the contract it is not revealed.




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版权所有 © Mosiagin I.G., Sakharov O.S., Gubernitskaya S.V., 2010

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