Delivery of the surgical measure to the casualties with injuries of great vessels


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According to consolidated data the frequency of injuries of blood vessels during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 was 2,3-4,9%. In the first and the second period of the war the temporary hemostasia on the battlefield was delivered via surgical tubing, tamponade or compressing bandage; the final - via deligation of the arteries in the wound or overlap of hemostatic clamp or the amputation was performed. In the process of delivering of the knowledgeable medical assistance garrot was removed, traumatonesis was performed and the final hemostasia was performed via vasoligation in the wound or along it, than transfused. In some hospitals were organized special units for patients with injuries of vessels. In the third period of the war the main method of primary and secondary hemostasia was vasoligation in the wound or along it. The vessel suture was performed rarer than in the first and the second period. The methods of treatment and prophylaxis of complicaton of vessel’s injury were examined.




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版权所有 © Perekhodov S.N., Kokhan E.P., Glyantsev S.P., Galik N.I., 2010

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