Aviation medicine: yesterday, today and tomorrow



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The article describes the history and current state of medical support of the Air Force. On December 1, 2009 Air Force Medical Service was renamed into the service of aviation medicine of Command Air Forces, and many of the functions of medical support of the Air Force transferred to the newly formed Air Force Center of Aviation Medicine. April 29, 2011 office of Aviation Medicine of the High Command of the Air Force has stepped 95-year milestone. The changes affected all structures entrusted with the issues of medical support of the Air Force. Today, the medical service of the Air Force faces challenges - ensuring safety, the study of flight conditions and their impact on health, job performance and psychological characteristics of flight personnel.




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  2. Российский государственный военный архив (РГВА), ф. 28, оп. 1, д. 28, л. 18.
  3. РГВА, ф. 29, оп. 1, д. 2, л. 135.
  4. РГВА, ф. 28, оп. 1, д. 28, л. 51.
  5. РГВА, ф. 29, оп. 4, д. 52, л. 6.
  6. РГВА, ф. 29, оп. 1, д. 41, л. 89.
  7. Яменсков В.В., Бунтяков С.А., Хафизов Н.Н. Страницы истории медицинской службы Военно-воздушных сил / Материалы науч.-практ. конф. «Достижения и перспективы медицинской реабилитации», посвященной 75-летию ФГУ «Военный санаторий Чемитоквадже» ВВС. - Сочи, 2009. - С. 3-9.



版权所有 © Yamenskov V.V., Khafizov N.N., Morozov A.V., 2011

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