Comorbidity in various age groups of reserve officers (retired) and their family members



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The results of a retrospective analysis of 370 case histories of reserve officers (retired) and their family members in the age groups of 44-60 years (n=58), from 60 to 75 years (n=158) and older than 75 years (n=158) are presented. In the age group older than 75 years, the most frequent pathologies are coronary heart disease, hypertension, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, chronic heart failure, in the groups from 60 to 75 years and 44-60 years, hypertension dominates, and for the remaining pathologies there is a significant decrease in indicators. Combinations of four lesions (cardiovascular, endocrine, urinary and central nervous) and three systems (cardiovascular, central nervous, endocrine) were found only in age groups older than 75 years and from 60 to 75 years. In the age group of 44-60 years, comorbidity makes up 1% of the total index and is represented by pathology of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.




A. Sergoventsev

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF


O. Afonaskov

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF


A. Demyanenko

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF


T. Mashkov

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF


A. Popov

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF


R. Gudantov

PKU "Central military clinical hospital named after P. V. Mandryka" MO RF



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版权所有 © Sergoventsev A.A., Afonaskov O.V., Demyanenko A.V., Mashkov T.N., Popov A.V., Gudantov R.B., 2019

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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