Principles of extrapolation of experimental data from laboratory animals to humans



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A study was conducted to justify the main directions of transferring experimental data from laboratory animals to humans. The selection of criteria and methods for assessing the state of the human body and comparing them with animals in simulated situations is systematized according to three main levels - physiological, biochemical, neuropsychological and social. The first level includes parameters of physiological reactions, clinical, laboratory and biochemical parameters, the second - indicators characterizing the functions of higher nervous activity, neurodynamic reactions, the performance of targeted actions and psychological manifestations, and the third level - characteristics of interpersonal interactions. The types, tasks and research methods that are conducted on small animal rodents (screening) and on larger animals from other orders of mammals that are closer in evolutionary development and other parameters to humans (in-depth) are considered. It is shown that when comparing the results of studies obtained in experiments on animals and in human observations, it is important to use coefficients for the quantitative transfer of data from animals to humans, which require careful justification, considering the interspecific characteristics of mammals and humans.




I. Ivanov

The State Scientific Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

I. Ushakov

The State Scientific Center - Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation


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版权所有 © Ivanov I.V., Ushakov I.B., 2019

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