On the causes of contracted tuberculosis of military personnel



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Over the past 5 years, the absolute number of conscripts contracting tuberculosis has decreased by 33.5%, and the incidence rate has decreased by 1.5 times. At the same time, tuberculosis among those drafted into the Armed Forces continues to be an important problem for the military medical service. For early detection of tuberculosis patients and prevention of the development of the tuberculosis process among them, it is necessary not only a thorough medical examination of the young replenishment, but also a purposeful medical history collection (contact with tuberculosis patients, results of tuberculin tests before conscription, placement in dispensary observation groups at children’s TB clinics, etc.). Parts of such military personnel must be considered as belonging to the high-risk group for tuberculosis, organize monitoring, periodic examination and conduct of health-improving measures in accordance with the Guidelines for medical examination of military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.




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版权所有 © Beznosik R.V., Grishin V.K., Aksenova K.I., 2019

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