Prospects for the use of cochlear implantation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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According to the results of their own research, performed by employees of the Department of Otolaryngology at the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy in peacetime and wartime, as well as literature data, in 70-75% of cases, victims and wounded after mine-explosive wounds in the acute and distant period have impaired function of the auditory system of varying severity. Mine-explosive injury leads to an increase of irreversible pathological changes in the auditory system and the development of sensorineural hearing loss, including deafness and disability of the victims. Prolonged or pronounced short-term exposure to military labor factors also leads to the development of III-IV-degree sensorineural hearing loss in military personnel, deafness. A modern method for the restoration of auditory function is cochlear implantation, which can be carried out with mine-explosive damage to the auditory system one year after suffering trauma in the absence of post-traumatic deformity of the cochlea.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Yanov Y.K., Dvoryanchikov V.V., Glaznikov L.A., Chernysh A.V., Mironov V.G., Syroezhkin F.A.

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