Prospects for the use of nanotechnology in the treatment of bacterial infections



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Antibiotics of various classes are widely used to treat infections, but antimicrobial therapy is significantly complicated by the resistance of pathogens to these drugs. In addition, the lack of selectivity of the action of antibiotics leads to the occurrence of side effects from various organs and systems. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy and reduce adverse side effects by creating nanoscale dosage forms of antibacterial drugs. Nano-sized (colloidal) drug carriers, especially nanoparticles, have unique physicochemical properties that allow them to deliver antibiotics to target cells or organs. The use of nanoscale forms of drugs will help solve the problem of resistance of pathogens to antibiotics.




M. Patsenko

3 Central military clinical hospital named after A. A. Vishnevsky»

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

A. Esipov

3 Central military clinical hospital named after A. A. Vishnevsky»

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

V. Balabanyan

FSBEI "Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov»


S. Gelperina

OOO "Technology of drugs»

Khimki, Moscow region


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版权所有 © Patsenko M.B., Esipov A.V., Balabanyan V.Y., Gelperina S.E., 2019

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