Experience of using the method of ion chromatography to determine the mass concentration of anions in drinking water samples



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Physical and chemical studies of drinking water constitute a significant amount of work on hygienic laboratory monitoring of the quality of water supply to military camps. A significant place in their structure is occupied by the measurement of the mass concentration of anions. With a variety of official and proposed approaches to such research, the choice of an optimal method is necessary for real practice. The article presents an analysis of the experience of using the method of ion chromatography in sanitary-hygienic studies to determine the mass concentration of anions in drinking water samples. The results of 156 studies of this type using the Stayer ion chromatograph are presented. The introduction of the ion chromatography method into the laboratory allowed us to significantly speed up and simplify the process of determining the content of inorganic anions in drinking water. The ion chromatograph is available for work in the hygienic laboratories of the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of military districts and fleets. Equipping this equipment and training specialists with appropriate qualifications will allow to bring the research of the content of inorganic substances in water to the level of modern requirements.




V. Polyakov

FGKU "the Main center of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (special purpose)" MO of the Russian Federation


A. Kucherov

FGKU "the Main center of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (special purpose)" MO of the Russian Federation


A. Vasyanovich

FGKU "the Main center of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (special purpose)" MO of the Russian Federation


A. Torshin

FGKU "the Main center of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (special purpose)" MO of the Russian Federation

Email: antontorshin@yandex.ru


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版权所有 © Polyakov V.S., Kucherov A.S., Vasyanovich A.A., Torshin A.S., 2019

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