Criteria for indications for fluid resuscitation burned in a hospital



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In the paradigm of burn injury, the indication for burn resuscitation is a burn shock or its likely development. The introduction of fluid is recommended if the total burn area is more than 15-20%, or the area of severe damage is more than 10% of the body surface. Over the past two decades, the volume of injected fluid has doubled, and this trend continues. Over resuscitation caused the phenomenon of «runaway fluid» («fluid creep»), compartment syndromes, and severe pulmonary complications. Their association with high mortality forces experts to search for the best resuscitation formulas, optimal types of solutions, and the rate of their administration, to improve monitoring of resuscitation. One of the reasons contributing to the excessive introduction of fluid is the non-differentiated area and degree of damage to the skin. The main criteria for the indications for the initial liquid resuscitation of burned with different severity conditions are determined.




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