The Battle of Stalingrad: the organization of medical support for the fronts in the defensive period



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The data of the analysis of the work of the medical service of the fronts in the defensive operation of the Battle of Stalingrad are given. In its course, a large discrepancy between the medical forces and facilities and the amount of sanitary losses in the troops was revealed. The organization of medical support for the fronts in the initial period of this battle was negatively affected by the insufficient development in the pre-war period of the theoretical foundations and principles of the medical service in strategic defensive operations. The decisive influence on the forms and methods of medical support for the troops was exerted by the specific conditions of the combat, rear and medical situation, the need to find the most effective means and methods of medical service activity, considering the tasks facing the troops and the prospects for their implementation during the operation. During the defensive period of the Battle of Stalingrad, the medical service gained experience in providing medical and sound support for troops engaged in prolonged battles in a large administrative and industrial center, and in organizing mass transportation of the wounded and sick through a wide water barrier.




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版权所有 © Kulnev S.V., Shelepov A.M., Leonik S.I., 2020

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