The reaction of the cadets of the military educational institution at the initial stage of adaptation to the learning environment


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Three groups (control - KG, 2 experimental - OG1 and OG2) of cadets (20 people each) from a military school who arrived in the Kaliningrad enclave from other regions of Russia were examined. Blood sampling was carried out three times: in the first 2-3 days after passing the entrance exams and the beginning of the learning process, after 15 and 45 days. The reaction of the body in the initial period of acclimatization and adaptation to the learning conditions was evaluated by the levels of protein and protein fractions. Disadaptation changes in the body are established, proved by changes in the levels and percentage of albumin, a1-, a2-, b - and g - globulins of blood serum. The effectiveness of prophylaxis of dysaptation shifts in the optimization of the diet by products manufactured using cryogenic technology was evaluated. OG1 took a protein - vegetable product, OG2 from plant materials (2 times a day, 3 tablets. 0.3 g each with food for 15 days). KG did not accept products. The inclusion of concentrated foods in the diet is accompanied by a significant decrease in inflammatory reactions, stimulation of humoral immunity. During the adaptation period, preference should be given to products containing animal protein.




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版权所有 © Rakhmanov R.S., Bogomolova E.S., Tarasov A.V., Ashina M.V., 2020

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