Mathematical prediction of aspiration doses of microbial aerosols



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The article discusses two methodological approaches to predicting aspiration doses of microbial aerosols - deterministic and probabilistic. It is shown that at low concentrations of microbial aerosol, the deterministic method of solving the problem gives rough and overestimated estimates of the aspiration doses of microorganisms. Under similar conditions, the application of the probabilistic approach demonstrates a slower dynamic of the accumulation of microbes in the respiratory tract, associated with the uneven spatio - temporal distribution of microbial aerosol particles in the air and the identity of the human respiratory cycles. This is relevant for predicting the aerogenic infection of recipients by microorganisms having low infectious doses (single cells), as well as for the process of indicating low concentrations of microbial aerosol in space - time coordinates.




A. Vasilenko

The State Scientific Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia

E. Vorobeichikov

Polypharm LLC

St. Petersburg, Russia

N. Komissarov

The State Scientific Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg, Russia


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版权所有 © Vasilenko A.Z., Vorobeichikov E.V., Komissarov N.V., 2020

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