Early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease at the outpatient stage



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The rapid increase in the number of neurodegenerative diseases is due to an increase in life expectancy, increased environmental pollution, chronic stress, and primarily social. Twenty - two patients with Parkinsonism manifestations were examined to assess the effectiveness of early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in the premotor period. Differential diagnosis of the disease was carried out, treatment was prescribed. It is shown that the use of methods for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease allows timely diagnosis and prescribing of appropriate therapy that improves the patient’s quality of life.




T. Kravchenko

52nd consultative and diagnostic center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Email: takravchenko.68@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia

A. Popov

52nd consultative and diagnostic center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Email: popovdok@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © Kravchenko T.A., Popov A.P., 2021

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