Experience of surgical treatmentof victims with burns and COVID-19: lessons from the first year of the pandemic




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The study aimed to optimize surgical treatment tactics of patients with thermal trauma when a new coronavirus infection is detected to develop recommendations to reduce the likelihood of disease for patients and staff of burn departments. Of the total number of patients (n=593, March - December 2020) of the department of thermal injuries of the SARS - CoV-2 Institute, 18.1% of victims with extensive burns and 11.6% with limited area burns (all transferred to repurposed for the treatment of COVID-19, multidisciplinary hospitals 1-3 days after a positive PCR). Infection of those burned with the virus was accompanied by an increase in mortality by more than 2.5 times, which is due not only to the severity of the course of COVID-19 but also to the difficulties in providing high - tech medical care such patients outside the burn centers. Prevention of COVID-19 in burned patients consists of expanding the indications for outpatient treatment, abandoning planned and reducing urgent interventions, minimizing the use of aerosol - generating equipment and instruments. In re - profiled hospitals, surgical care scope should include bandaging burn wounds and staged necrectomies of a burn scab. To improve medical care effectiveness for such victims, it is necessary to concentrate them in one infectious hospital with simultaneous training of personnel and daily consultations of specialists from burn centers.




V. Manukovskii

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine; The I.I.Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: info@emergency.spb.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

E. Zinovev

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Email: evz@list.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

V. Skorobogatov

The P.V.Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia

D. Salimov

The P.V.Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russia

D. Vagner

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine; The I.I.Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: 77wagner77@mail.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

P. Krylov

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia

D. Kozulin

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia

V. Soloshenko

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Gasanov

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Kourov

The I.I.Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

St. Petersburg, Russia


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版权所有 © Manukovskii V.A., Zinovev E.V., Skorobogatov V.M., Salimov D.S., Vagner D.O., Krylov P.K., Kozulin D.A., Soloshenko V.V., Gasanov A.M., Kourov A.S., 2021

СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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