Medical assistance and front - line life during the Civil War in Russia on the footage of the American newsreel of 1918-1920



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The study was carried out within the framework of an interdisciplinary area called «military - historical anthropology». The research object was the study of the «human experience» of the Civil War in Russia. The paper presents a source study analysis of the two - hour silent newsreel «Allied Expeditionary Forces in Siberia» («Allied Expeditionary Forces in Siberia», 1918-1920), posted on the Internet by the US National Archives in 2014. Newsreel is analyzed for the first time in the context of identifying places and the time of filming, establishing the characteristics of medical and sanitary support and front - line daily life of soldiers of the invaders’ armies, as well as representatives of the «red» and «white» movements. The visual images of hospitals in Tyumen, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, and the nature of the American Red Cross activities in the East of Russia were studied. Graphical illustrations of front - line life and daily practices of organizing medical care for the wounded, refugees, and residents have been investigated.




L. Belgorodskaya

Siberian Federal University

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

N. Drozdov

Siberian Federal University

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

E. Vonog

Siberian Federal University

Krasnoyarsk, Russia


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版权所有 © Belgorodskaya L.V., Drozdov N.I., Vonog E.A., 2021

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