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卷 330, 编号 11 (2009)


Professional health of military servicewomen

Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Abashin V., Bochenkov A., Peshkov V., Shestaev A.


For the last few years there were enlarged possibilities of completing of troops by military servicewomen. Coincidently with this, there were increased requirements for military servicewomen. On the base of postulate of three levels of professional health, determining effectiveness of professional activity (social-psychological, psychological and physiological) there was realized a research of morbidity and functional state of organism of military servicewomen, of relations of these indexes with effectiveness of discharging of professional responsibilities. Was marked, that military servicewomen in other equal conditions of health care achieve the required indexes by high personal adaptation potential, neuro-psychoic tolerance, adherence to collective forms of military work, adequate orientation in concrete situation, rapid elaboration of strategy of behavior and socialization. The got data permitted to make a system-structure analyze of professional health of military servicewomen and on it’s base to determine directions of improvement of their medical maintenance.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Improvement of controlling system by a separated medical unit of special purpose

Shelepov A., Savchenko I., Zhidik V., Gogolevsky A.


The article presents a variant securing of field treatment institutes by mobile command points in combination with creation of automated system of control of a separated medical unit of special purpose and improvement of communications devices, computing and relaying of data. Such improvement of system of control permits to solve governmental tasks and make decision more effective, spending less time.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):9-14
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Prophylaxis of chemical poisoning in the Army and NAVY

Grebenyuk A., Konev V., Sidorov D., Azarov I.


Prophylaxis of chemical poising in the Army and NAVY assumes carrying out of a complex of measures, directed on saving of life, health and military professional serviceability of staff in conditions of action of factors of chemical character in peaceful and war time. It requires from the medical staff effectuating special sanitary and preventive measures, including realization of the effective medical control over working conditions of solders and civil personnel on objects, where toxic chemical substances are used, propagation of medical and hygienic knowledge, regular increase of knowledge level and practical skills of military doctors.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Valuation of effectiveness of optimized algorithm of diagnostics and treatment of acute pancreatitis

Kosachyov I., Fokin Y., Paskar’ S.


The work is founded on the results of examination and treatment of 1242 patients with acute pancreatits in 1991-2007. There was compared results of diagnostics and treatment of 520 patients in 1991-1999 (group of comparison) before insertion of protocols of diagnostics and treatment of acute pancreatitis and after their insertion and optimization - 722 patients in 2000-2007 (main group). Compared groups are equitable in all categories. It’s determined that that after insertion of standardized algorithm of diagnostics and treatment of acute pancreatitis in the work of surgical units of the 442nd Regional military clinical hospital of Leningrade military region, it was achieved a decrease of general lethality in conditions of this disease from 8.8% in group of comparison to 3.4% in main group (p<0,05). In conditions of sthenic acute pancreatitis after-operational lethality decreased from 39, 6% to 23,1%, and general lethality - from 33,3% to 15% (p<0,001).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):20-27
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Medical case of successful therapy of polymyositis by high doses of glucocorticoid

Potekhin N., Rozhnov Y., Orlov F., Kurmashev A., Karanik A., Ruseykin V.


Questions of diagnostics and treatment of dermatomyositis-polymyositis in literature are contradictory character. They have scanty description of peculiarities of course of this pathology by men of young and certain age, and character of complications, connected with long ingestion of corticosteroid agents. Medical case, done in the article, is of great interest undoubtedly. By reason of using corticosteroid agents, the patient get a complex of specific complications, but pains in muscles, fever, arthralgia, weakness have disappeared. There was made a decision about speeded decreasing of dose of hormonal agent to 8 mg per day for the term pf 3 months in alternative session with parallel ingestion of disaggregants. On this base was marked epilosis of bioptic damage, was achieved recanalization of deep viens of left leg, was normalized carbohydrate metabolism, generalclinic analyze of blood, transaminase level, body weight was decreased. Now-days it’s marked a clinical-laboratorial remission, not requiring a supplying corticosteroid therapy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Methodic of using of transcutaneous dynamical electroneurostimulation during treatment of patients with different variants of borderline state

Shurygin V., Rodin Y., Ushakov A.


There was effectuated a valuation of effectiveness of using electroneurostimulation in combination with traditional medicinal treatment in psychiatry by 88 patients with different borderline states: asthenoneurotic, asthenodeppessive and vexatiousdepressive syndromes. Control group was formed by 90 patients with similar states, by getting only traditional treatment. Patient’s state was evaluated before treatment, on the 5th and 10th day of treatment by using a scale of general clinical state - severity, a subjective visual-analog scale, a psycho-metric scale of subjective valuation of well-being, activity and mind. On the base of the data there was made a conclusion that DENS-therapy could be used in complex treatment of patients of psychiatric profile with borderline states as well in stationary as in polyclinic conditions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Anniversary of profile preparing of air physicians on the department of organization and tactics of medical service

Shelepov A., Sarapas B., Vislov A.


The article presents stages of forming of heading of organization and tactics of medical service of the Air Forces in MMedA by Kirov S.M. (OTMS AF). The Academy celebrates the 50th anniversary in 2009 year. The following directions were basic ones of scientific searches in department OTMS: elaboration of system of treatment-evacuation measures in air armies and units of long-range aviation, substantiation of using of military transport aviation in medical service’s purposes, medical-tactics characteristic of combustions for the purpose of creation of model of thermal damages in conditions of nuclear war. At the beginning of 1980s the heading of OTMS AF for scientific-methodic matter became self consistent, completed by professors, having professional education, provided by necessary educational-methodical materials. There were published or prepared for publishing about 30 study guides and textbooks, written by department professors or with their participation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):39-42
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Opyt primeneniya modul'noy organizatsii pedagogicheskogo protsessa v sudebnoy meditsine

Buromskiy I., Kolkutin V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):44-45
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Dinamika urovnya gemosiderina v analizakh mochi u patsientov s trombozom v sisteme nizhney poloy veny

Zubritskiy V., Shchelokov A., Kornienko K., Dvinskikh I.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):45-46
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Otsenka etiologicheskoy struktury infektsionnykh oslozhneniy u patsientov khirurgicheskogo statsionara

Kuzin A., Shnyrov A., Ogarkov P., Suborova T., Svistunov S.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):46-47
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Rol' reabilitatsionnykh meropriyatiy v otdalennyy period nablyudeniya za bol'nymi posleoperatsionnym peritonitom

Ladin S., Yakovenko T., Obolenskaya T., Movchan K., Azizov E., Kislenko A., Makalatiya L., Alekseev T.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):47-48
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Bezoperatsionnoe lechenie asepticheskogo nekroza golovki bedrennoy kosti

Volkov E., Simonenko V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):48-51
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Primenenie zhivogo ekvivalenta kozhi v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nykh s troficheskimi yazvami nizhnikh konechnostey venoznoy etiologii

Ivashkin A., Fominykh E., Maksimenko V., Gasanov I., Smirnov A., Fedorov D., Dashinimaev E., Kiseleva E.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):51-52
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Analiz spektra i chastoty infitsirovannosti potentsial'nykh donorov pochki razlichnymi laboratornymi metodami

Tsygan V., Gumilevskaya O., Gumilevskiy B.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):55-56
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S3, S4 komponenty komplementa i S-reaktivnyy belok u bol'nykh s nasledstvennymi narusheniyami lipidnogo obmena

Golubeva O., Tvorogova M., Kukharchuk V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):56-57
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Vliyanie brakhiterapii na bezretsidivnuyu vyzhivaemost' bol'nykh rakom predstatel'noy zhelezy

Kaprin A., Ivanov S., Kostin A., Fastovets S., Sosnovskiy V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):61-62
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Kliniko-immunologicheskoe izuchenie preparata «Stemokin» v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nykh piodermiey

Glad'ko V., Masyukova S., Kakhishvili N., Gayvoronskiy D.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):62-63
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Rol' khirurgicheskikh metodov lecheniya infektsionnykh oslozhneniy tyazheloy sochetannoy travmy i ikh ekonomicheskaya effektivnost'

Shafalinov V., Rozanov V., Bolotnikov A., Chizh S., Khaykin I.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):64-64
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Sovremennye tekhnologii fitoterapii v voennom sanatorii «Volga»

Davidenko T.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):65-65
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The founder of the first science-pedagogic school of organization of medical supply of troops (to the 100 th anniversary of birthday of Georgievsky A.S.)

Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.


The article is devoted to the 100 th anniversary of a great organizer of military health service, scientist and teacher, general-lieutnant of medical service Georgievsky Anotoly Sergeevich. The article presents main stages of his biography and role in military-medical science.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):66-72
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To the history of treatment of lightly wounded persons during the war time

Belevitin A., Shelepov A., Leonik S.


The article presents in chronological order points of view of national scientists on notion «lightly wounded person» and their contribution in formation and development of system of delivery of health care and treatment of this category of wounded. Organizational processing of system of treatment of lightly wounded persons took place in "December 1941 after publishing of the order of National Defense Commissioner, whereby there was confirmed «Enactment of hospitals for lightly wounded and lightly ill persons». In 1942 there were founded 200 hospitals for lightly wounded persons, to the end of war cot size was 36,5% of general cot size. The article presents data of effectiveness of hospital work during the Great Patriotic War. Also the article presents modern points of view on a question of organization of delivery of medical aid and specialized treatment of lightly wounded and lightly ill persons in brand new organizational-staff structures (medical company of brigade, umeds of operative command, hospitals of lightly wounded of stationary and mobile hospital base, centers of rehabilitation). Were formed main features of modern system of organization of medical aid and surgical treatment of lightly wounded persons.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):73-81
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From department of military and military-sanitary disciplines to department of organization and tactics of medical service

Shelepov A., Kryuchkov O.


The article presents history of forming and activity of department of organization and tactics of medical service of Military-medical academy by Kirov S.M. for the last eight decades on the base of wide historiographic material, archival sources and not published works. There were analyzed objective suppositions of creation of the department, process of teaching of military-sanitarium disciplines in form of separated courses, on departments of military and military-sanitarium disciplines and on a separated department of organization and tactics of medical service. There was resumed scientific and pedagogic activity of the department, characterized it’s modern state and scientific strength.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):82-90
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):91-92
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The letter in edition

Krylov N.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):93-93
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Improvement of field trainings of attendees and cadets of Military-medical academy by Kirov S.M

Shelepov A., Kul’nev S.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(11):94-96
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