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卷 337, 编号 10 (2016)


Evacuation of contagious patients in the modern system of medical support

Zhdanov K., Zakharenko S., Sidorchuk S., Yurkaev I.


The main problematic issues of organizing and conducting the evacuation of contagious patients are defined. A peculiarity of evacuation and healthcare delivery to contagious patients is the need for permanent complex of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Set out fundamental approaches to triage of infectious patients at different stages of medical evacuation, defined sorting group. The attention is focused on the clinical-and-syndrome principle infectious pathology diagnostics. The experience of the medical evacuation of infectious diseases in Afghanistan is analysed. The necessity of protecting the accompanying medical staff is showed. The possibilities, the benefits and how to use for the isolation of infectious patients and the evacuation of mobile autonomous units - the transport of insulating boxes are studied.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):4-12
pages 4-12 views

Expert approaches to chronic kidney disease

Kryukov E., Potekhin N., Chaplyuk A., Sarkisov K., Borisov A., Orlov F.


The basic symptoms that indicate the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are analysed. The authors present the modern classification of CKD, the characteristics of its stages, and requirements for the formulation of a diagnosis. The author’s interpretation of the articles of the Regulations on military-medical examination, which are carried out survey of citizens subject to an initial statement on the military registration, conscription and reservists who have given pathology, is given. The necessity of the unification of expert approaches in military-medical and medical-social examination.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Treatment and evacuation characteristics of the wounded with chest injuries during counter-terrorist operation on the North Caucasus

Chuprina A., Fokin A.


The analysis of results of treatment of the wounded with chest injuries during the counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus in 1994-1996 (n=607) and 1999-2002 (n=316) is given. Different variants of health care delivery and its contents at various stages, as well as the need for the 1st and 2nd levels of surgical care in medical devices to restore and maintain the balance of intrapleural. The ways of improvement of surgical assistance to the wounded with chest injuries are defined.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of tachyarrhythmia at military-medical organizations

Ovchinnikov Y., Steklov V., Sergoventsev A., Morozov D., Emelyanenko M.


The article describes the principles of differential diagnosis and treatment of tachyarrhythmia. Developed algorithms of diagnostics and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in the military-medical institutions. The algorithm relief hemodynamically stable rhythmic tachycardia. The results of interventional treatment in 462 patients with tachyarrhythmia heart. The high efficacy and safety of radiofrequency ablation technique in patients with tachyarrhythmia heart.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):23-34
pages 23-34 views

Ways of improvement of military epidemiology as a diagnosis and prophylaxis branch of military medicine

Belov A., Ogarkov P., Kuzin A., Zobov A.


The prospects of development of epidemiological science, training systems and improvement of practice in preventive medicine based on the integration process are considered. The authors emphasize a final recognition of epidemiology as a single diagnostic and preventive discipline, the subjects of which are manifestations of epidemic diseases regardless aetiology. An integration of specialists in prophylaxis requires correction of the system of military-medical education and improvement of preventive medical support subsystem of (naval forces). The prospects of inclusion in the educational and scientific processes of the epidemiology of non-communicable diseases, improve the interaction of different structures of military medical services in the field of infectious disease prevention personnel.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):35-43
pages 35-43 views

Physiological and hygienic requirements imposed on water supply for troops in the Arctic zone

Azarov I., Butakov S., Zholus B.


The deployment of military garrisons in the Arctic zone requires solutions of health and working capacity maintenance among the military personnel. One of them is to provide a physiologically adequate and safe water supply. Direct use of water for drinking purposes, obtained by the melting of snow, does not meet the physiological needs of the body as a result of the almost complete lack of mineral salts in it. It determines the urgency of the problem of melt water conditioning. The article contains a review of published data on the historical experience of drinking water quality and its correction on ships of various countries, as well as the ships of the Navy of the USSR. Modern data on salinity and how to use for drinking desalinated seawater on Navy ships, melt water and soft water from natural land water sources. The creation in the garrisons of the Arctic stations zone potable water on the basis of scientific data on the methods of its conditioning (mineralization and disinfection).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):44-51
pages 44-51 views

Barotherapy in the military medicine

Kuleshov V., Myasnikov A., Chernov V., Shitov A., Andrusenko A., Zverev D.


The authors present current data on place and role of hyperbaric oxygenation for military and extreme medicine. Main mechanisms of oxygen saturation and its «delivery» to cells and tissues of the organisms is described in the given article. The authors proved advantages of the hyperbaric oxygenation over the normobaric and showed its high efficiency for the trauma and suppurative-septic lesion treatment, and for the combat therapeutic pathology. Main clinical and physiological effects of the hyperbaric oxygenation are showed. Modern indications and contra-indications for the use of the hyperbaric oxygenation as a therapeutic mean are proved.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):52-62
pages 52-62 views

Mobility of metrological support in military-medical organisations of the Ministry of Defence.

Levchenko V., Egorov O., Nikityuk O., Tokavenko I., Yukhta D.


With the increasing availability of high-tech medical care increases the value of its quality. One of the most important conditions to achieve an adequate level of medical service activity by this criterion is correct and reliable operation of medical equipment. Almost all medical equipment, which is used at the diagnostic and therapeutic departments of military medical institutions, belongs to the category of measuring instruments. Its accuracy and reliability of operation are provided with metrological procedures, which are considered an integral part of providing the diagnostic and treatment process. The article defines the activities of modern metrological tasks tipped the military medical service. The data on the state and prospects of development of metrological provision of health care institutions, increasing its mobility.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Method of fixing the sieve graft in case of alloplasty inguinal hernia

Chernykh V., Krainyukov P., Skorobogatov V., Oshmarin S., Bondareva N., Pyatov S.


One of the complications of alloplasty of inguinal hernia is a long painful syndrome in the postoperative period. It is due to the possibility of falling into the seam nerves groin. In order to prevent this complication, we have proposed a method of fixing the upper edge of the grid from the inside to the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscles. In applying the method in 170 patients in the period from 2010 to 2014 cases of prolonged pain were recorded.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):69-70
pages 69-70 views

Peculiarities of training of military medical staff during the Great Patriotic War

Chizh I., Rusanov S.


Extreme conditions of the World War II required as soon as possible rebuilding the work of institutions for higher medical education concerning training of military medical personnel. During the war significantly changed the organization of educational process in the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy, the military-medical faculties and civilian medical institutions. During the war from military medical academies and military medical faculties annually graduated up to 1450 military and naval doctors, civil universities of the country prepared and sent to the front more than 65 thousand doctors. It called up from reserve 80 thousand doctors. Basically staffing problems have been resolved.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Medical support of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive

Zakrevskii Y., Shevchenko A., Burtsev N., Zhdanov A., Shmelev S., Kmitto A.


We consider the organizational aspects of the healthcare support of Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive in the Arctic. The conditions and factors that influenced the preparation and conduct of operations are analysed. It is shown that success and effectiveness of medical support of the operation are based on good planning, build-up of forces and means of medical service and manoeuvre, timely evacuation of the wounded and sick, experience of interaction and mutual reinforcement of the Army Medical Services, and the fleet can be used in the development of plans for medical support of diverse groups of troops (forces) in the Far North of Russia.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):78-85
pages 78-85 views

1586th military clinical hospital of the Western military district celebrates the 75th anniversary

Valevskii V., Dolgov E., Kukoz G., Gorbunov Y., Dmitrievskii E.


The article is devoted to the 75th anniversary of the military clinical hospital of the Western military district located in Podolsk, Moscow region. Today the hospital is one of the largest specialized multidiscipline hospitals of the Ministry if Defence of the Russian Federation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):86-88
pages 86-88 views

Ofitsial'nyy otdel

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):89-90
pages 89-90 views

Lenta novostey

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):91-91
pages 91-91 views

All-army meeting of the medical service overhead personnel of the Ministry of Defence, dedicated to modern strategy of health care delivery during different stages of evacuation

Ovchinnikov Y., Shchegolev A., Agapitov A., Dolgov E., Gorbunov Y., Murkin A.


The authors present a report on the carrying out of the all-army meeting of the overhead personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation «Modern strategy of organization of health care delivery at various stages of medical evacuation in the Armed Forces of the Russian: challenges, problems and solutions». The objectives of the meeting were to discuss the issues of medical care for patients of therapeutic profile and interaction with psysicians of related specialties.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2016;337(10):92-96
pages 92-96 views
