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卷 336, 编号 7 (2015)


Organization of rehabilitation and treatment measures in the armed forces of foreign countries.

Trishkin D., Malykh A., Ponomarenko G., Merzlikin A.


The authors present an analysis of current state of rehabilitation and treatment system in the armed forces of foreign countries, and main directions of its development. The authors summarize an experience in the field of organization and carrying out of rehabilitation and treatment measures in the armed forces of foreign countries, and also define possible ways of how to apply gained experience in organizing sanatorium-resort provision for servicemen of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Scoring of severity of patients’ condition with acute surgical diseases and injuries of the abdominal cavity

Efimenko N., Lesik P., Kharisov A., Pashaev A.


Ten of the most frequent symptoms that do not require special methods of their determination except general clinical examinations established by any health care professional on pre-hospital stage were determined on the basis of analysis of more than one thousand records of patients with acute surgical abdominal diseases and clinical symptom load. The authors performed an assessment of each symptom depending on severity of patient’s condition ranging from 1 point (satisfactory condition) till 5 points (critical condition). Information has been obtained: in case of satisfactory condition - up to 10 points, moderate - up to 20 points, heavy - up to 30 points, extremely heavy condition - up to 45 points and terminal condition - more than 45 points. Thus, conditional descriptive method of assessment of patient’s condition during the clinical examination is combined with objective-scoring. The given method combines numeric expression with methods accepted in literature - «MFS-CA », «APACHE II» and allows to perform an objective assessment of the treatment process at different stages, to practice health care standards, to perform an analysis of outcomes. The article provides tables, which substantiate proposed method.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):11-17
pages 11-17 views

Burnout syndrome: diagnosis, principles of treatment, prophylaxis.

Ovchinnikov Y., Palchenkova M., Kalachev O.


Burnout syndrome is a socio-psychological phenomenon of emotional, motivational, and physical exhaustion as a result of chronic occupational stress. It is manifested as long-term emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal and professional achievements. Burnout syndrome is common among health care workers, due to their high dedication, empathy for suffering patients, and decision-making related to life and health of patients. Personal, role and organizational factors influence on development of burnout. The clinical picture of burnout is multifactorial and can be described as a set of psychosomatic and somatic disorders, symptoms of social dysfunction. Diversity and non-specific symptoms of burnout syndrome determine the need for an interdisciplinary approach to its diagnosis. The leading role in solving problems related to stress and emotional burnout plays psychotherapy. The paper presents diagnostic criteria, risk factors, and methods of prevention and treatment of emotional burnout.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Staging rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries in the Saki central military clinical resort after N.I.Pirogov

Dovgan I., Khashchuk T., Khashchuk A.


Medical rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries is an actual problem of modern medicine, which is associated with increased number of victims injured in road and domestic accidents, high rate of disability, and necessity for a long-term rehabilitation. An analysis of treatment of 386 patients with spinal cord injury in a specialized spinal center Saki military resort is given in the article.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Medical devices and its in-field use

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Shchegolev A., Ivanov A., Yakovlev S., Kononov V., Ivchenko E., Rodionov E.


The quality of in-field treatment and prevention measures depends on the availability of modern medical devices, instruments, and equipment. In this regard peculiarities of medical care delivery during military conflicts advance special requirements for medical equipment, which is used by the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The article shows prospects of in-field use of the most important samples of medical devices adopted by the Armed Forces.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Hyperbaric medicine in the Navy and prospects of its development

Mosyagin I., Reimov D., Stroi A.


The subject of hyperbaric medicine is a diagnosis, treatment and prevention of clinical disease manifestations caused by humans entering undersea environment, and development of measures for medical support of work under high pressure. It is based on achievements of hyperbaric physiology, preventive, and clinical medicine. The rapid development of diving in Russia, development of the «Concept of development of the search and rescue support in the Navy for the period until 2025» approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on 14th of February, 2014, determined an investigation in the field of hyperbaric medicine.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):38-40
pages 38-40 views

New approaches to medical rehabilitation of military experts - operators of intensive visual work

Yudin V., Ovechkin I., Mironov A., Azarova E., Burlak A.


The authors propose an application of a multidisciplinary approach to the medical rehabilitation of military operators of intensive visual work with symptoms of visual fatigue, based on the practice of medical team, consisting of ophthalmologist (as a leading specialist), physiotherapist, chiropractor and osteopathic physician, who treat arising visual damages according to basic laws of adaptation and pathogenesis of visual fatigue.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):40-42
pages 40-42 views

New laser technologies for ENT skin cancer treatment

Volgin V., Stranadko E., Lamotkin I., Kagoyants R.


Treatment of 112 patients with ENT skin cancer with the use of a new method of photodynamic therapy with photosensitizer and is performed. It is concluded that, this highly therapeutic method should be used in case of primary and recurrent cancer of skin of upper respiratory tract.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Participation of Moscow communities of Sisters of Mercy in the first Balkan War

Zorin K.


The author analyses an activity of Moscow communities of Sisters of Mercy during the first Balkan War. The essay considers special nature of the communities’ social service; their work with different population segments, and shows the high proficiency of the communities’ medical personnel, working in the system of Russian healthcare before the revolution.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):43
pages 43 views

The 442th military clinical hospital celebrates 180th anniversary.

Lyutov V.


The Hospital made a great contribution to the development of national healthcare during its 180-years history. Outstanding medical scientists of XIX-XX centuries, such as Bekhterev, Sklifosovsky, Vreden, Kupriyanov, Petrov and many others stood not only behind the history of the Hospital, they represented scientific society of military medical science. The merit of the Hospital cannot be overestimated during the World War II period, when 82% of the wounded and sick soldiers were returned to duty. The Hospital is considered as one of the best hospitals in the medical service of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation. Despite the on-going reconstruction of the main building, the year of 2014 has been eventful - institutional personnel achieved positive progress in improving combat skills and field training in the sphere of medical support in the district. Nowadays the methods of tutoring seminars with all categories of personnel are actively being improved. Currently 442th Military clinical hospital of Russian Defense Ministry is in the process of acquisition of its modern appearance. Phased plan for reconstruction and capital construction of its main building is now successfully implementing.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):44-50
pages 44-50 views

The past and future of surgical clinics of the Mikhailovsky clinical hospital («Willie Hospital») of the Kirov Military medical academy

Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Tynyankin N., Karev E.


A brief 140-years history of the Mikhailovsky clinical hospital («Willie Hospital») of the Kirov Military Medical Academy is presented. Today the department of military surgery, integrated into the system of emergency medical care, locates in historical building of the Kirov Military Medical Academy, and considered as part of multi-field regional center for the treatment of severe combined injuries, and is the only one injury care center of the first level in the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The hospital admits on treatment more that one million of severe injured patients annually; many patients with severe injuries are transferred from other regional hospitals. Every year more than two thousands of surgical interventions are performed in the hospital. Next renovation of the building is planned in the near future; it should provide further development of new medical technologies in the Kirov Military Medical Academy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):50-56
pages 50-56 views

Stages of development of flight medical expertise in Russia

Chaplyuk A., Vovkodav V., Churilov Y., Klepikov A.


Flight medical expertise (FME) in military aviation is one of the most important areas of medical support of flight crews manning, maintaining of aircrew health and flight safety. The authors analyse the main stages of development of this area of medical practice. The priority in creation of FME system belongs to our country. Domestic scientists, prominent organizers of military medicine and a large group of aviation physicians developed organizational and methodological basis for studying different impacts of flight factors on the health of flight personnel, development of criteria for admission to flight operations, principles of organization of the examination, implementation of effective methods of disease diagnosis. At the present stage FME development is determined by the needs of medical, technical and psycho-physiological support of supersonic aircraft, the need to adjust to the requirements of aircrew health, advanced diagnostics of the functional state and the search for means to improve the stability of his body to flight factors. The main principles of the FME remains the complexity of the study of the human body in terms of its professional and individual approach to a medical examination, a thorough clinical, clinical and physiological and psychological examinations, regular medical supervision of the health of flight crews.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):57-62
pages 57-62 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):62
pages 62 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):63-64
pages 63-64 views

Znachenie opyta sovetskoy voennoy meditsiny v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne neprekhodyashche

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Интервью с участником войны, бывшим начальником медицинской службы ГСВГ генерал-майором медицинской службы в отставке П.П.Балабухой
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):65-69
pages 65-69 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):86-88
pages 86-88 views

Vserossiyskaya yubileynaya konferentsiya «Aktual'nye voprosy chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii i stomatologii»

Grebnev G., Iordanishvili A., Zheleznyak V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):89-91
pages 89-91 views

Shestaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Dukhovnoe i vrachebnoe nasledie svyatitelya Luki (Voyno-Yasenetskogo)»

Manuylov V., Marchik V., Kozovoy M., Shestopalov S.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2015;336(7):92-96
pages 92-96 views
