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卷 333, 编号 9 (2012)


Formation of sanitary losses of therapeutic profile in local wars and military conflicts

Khalimov Y., Tkachuk N., Zhekalov A.


The necessity of improvement of the therapeutic care organization in the RF Armed Forces is dictated by the existing military threats. Conflicts between states or within a single country along with inefficiency of diplomatic,social and political efforts may lead to armed conflicts or local wars. Analysis of medical support results shows the consistent prevalence of therapeutic group of casualties in the overall structure of medical losses. 35—50% of all sanitary losses is accounted for by somatic diseases. Moreover, their structure is similar to the structure of the army’s peacetime morbidity rate. Respiratory diseases head the list of somatic diseases in military personnel. Next — diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems. One of the most important tasks for physicians in wartime is early diagnosis and treatment of visceral pathology in the wounded. An additional point is that the use of tactical nuclear weapons during the armed conflict or local war cannot be completely excluded. There is also a real risk of nuclear and chemical facilities damage, with consequences that are comparable to the use of nuclear or chemical weapons. Thus, in the course of armed conflict or local war, military physicians can meet all possible therapeutic spectrum of pathology: from visceral pathology of peace and wartime to combat related therapeutic pathology.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Organizational and methodological approaches to the medical rehabilitation of the wounded from the consequences of combat trauma in the upper limb rehabilitation center

Belyakin S., Burlak A.


This article discusses the possibility of optimizing the organizational and methodological approaches to the medical rehabilitation of the wounded from the consequences of combat trauma of the upper extremities in rehabilitation center. Clearly the implementation of organizational measures and technologies optimized medical rehabilitation, restoration of function provided the injured extremity: total of 152 (64%) injuries, partial in 26 (11%) injuries, as well as the stability of long-term results. Optimization using the traditional methods of treatment (biomehanoterapiya, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, integrated technology) has increased the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation at 35%.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Analysis of the health of citizens of military age in Orenburg region

Kuzmin S.


Results of medical examination of citizens of military age living in the Orenburg region for a decade are given. Noted that over the study period in the region have been positive changes: performance fitness for military service on health increased from 62,9% in 2000 to 67,7% in 2009 and projected to the positive dynamics in 2020 also marked improvement in physical fitness and the citizens of military age, a significant reduction in the number of recruits with poor and low power.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):17-21
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Directions of interdepartmental interaction in case of delivery of health care for injured in emergency situations in stationing sites of navy

Ivchenko E., Cherny V., Toporkov M., Aleksandrov M.


In points basing of navy will remain probability of emergence of emergency situations which is connected with existence of the enterprises of the industry and objects of navy. As a result of emergency situations in places of basing of navy discrepancy of prospective sanitary losses to possibilities of forces and means of a health service of fleet that demands interaction with health services of other ministries and departments is probable. Criterion of need of interaction is the ratio of quantity struck and possibilities of a health service of navy. Plans of interaction of a health service of fleet with medical institutions of other departments should provide options of use of available forces and means of medical institutions in garrisons for joint assistance struck in an emergency situation. The questions solved during interaction should become: radiation, chemical, biological survey; allocation of forces and means for rendering of medical care; use of sanitary transport; organization of sanitary processing, etc.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):22-26
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Analysis of frequency and structure of cerebrovascular diseases in servicemen during the military physician expertise

Dremov V., Odinak M., Brovkin S., Emelin A., Churilov Y.


Analysis of the results of medical inspection of soldiers under contract taken place in 2005—2009 is given. In 48,9% of cases was revealed diseases of blood circulatory system. In patients with cardiovascular events in 42,2% of cases different forms of cerebrovascular diseases were diagnosed. It shows high level of these diseases and its early progression among the servicemen. According to the authors, specific peculiarities of intensive military service provide the early progression of diseases. In such a case, presence of cerebrovascular diseases influences on expert decisions about professional suitability of servicemen for some military specialties including the level of suitability for military service.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):27-30
pages 27-30 views

About the causes of cystitis progression in young women

Plekhanov V.


The examined patients noted relapse of disease after sex intercourse. Spectrum of diagnosed uropathogens in female patients corresponds to the structure of bacterio from urina taken after prostate milking and prostatic fluid of patients’ intercourse partners. The given uropathogens also corresponds to the structure of contagium of urinary tract in young men. Connection between urogenital biotope and biotope of prostate as a vessel of persistence infection is related. Recrudescent inveterate cystitis in young women may be result from latent inveterate bacteritic prostatitis in their intercourse partners. Effectiveness of treatment and prophylaxis of recrudescence of inveterate cystitis in young women depends on timely diagnostics, treatment, and prophylaxis of inveterate bacteritic prostatitis in their intercourse partners.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Diagnostics and treatment of patients with sarcoidosis in multidisciplinary hospital

Zaytsev A., Antipushina D., Sivokozov I., Chernov S.


The authors analyzed the methods of diagnostics, clinical peculiarities of sarcoidosis in different groups of patients, treated in multidisciplinary military hospital. The authors also analyzed the possibility of estimation of optimum diagnostic and medical tactics on the basis of prospective observation after patients with morphologically confirmed sarcoidosis, treated in pulmonary department of the Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Peculiarities of adaptation of servicemen service (Review of literature)

Shelepov A., Smagulov N., Mukhametzhanov A.


Review of issues about the adaptation of servicemen in the process of military service is presented. Characteristics of military service, conditions and levels of official-military activity, peculiarities of adaptation, factors providing progression of psychosomatic diseases and dysaptation, concept «occupational health» are considered.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Analysis of infringements of exchange processes in combatatnts with psychosomatic disorders in the period after participation in operations

Pyatibrat E., Tsikunov S., Gordienko A., Balaban I., Klyueva N., Pshenichnaya A., Beznin G., Leychinsky S.


Analysis of clinical and biochemistry blood test parameters was conducted. It was revealed that metabolic disorders with predomination of catabolic reactions are typical for combatatnts who took part in military actions. So, the blood serum glucose value in the patients group is higher than in the control group. Military men with psychosomatic disorders are characterized by the decrease of cholesterol and triglycerides. The obtained data is supported by the results of model analysis of posttraumatic stress disorders in animals.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Visual illusions and moving horizon

Zhdanko I., Chulayevsky A., Kovalenko P.


Results of psychological «additional investigation» of the crash of Boeing-737, «Aeroflot-Nord» on 14.09.2008 near Perm are presented. 37 pilots from the one of the leading airline companies sensed the attitude and rolling out the aircraft to the forward flight under the moving horizon with straight display of bank and tangage (view from the aircraft to the ground) in model conditions. 29 pilots (78,4%) made a mistake at determining the roll direction and tangage, they made a mistake at determining the roll direction 61 times (16,4%) and 44 times at determining the tangage direction, in other words they confused left and right bank and also nose-up and nose-down. Visual illusions of mobility of space and handling of ground (instead of aircraft) during the flight were revealed in pilots. These illusions may be the important cause of the following crashes. The necessity of «back» faultless display of bank in all aircrafts of civil aviation and development of computer complex for training of visual spatial orientation is proved.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):52-61
pages 52-61 views

About the fitness to work of sailors during the campaign of surface vessel in conditions of Polar Region

Zhiltsova I., Yarkov A., Myasnikov A.


The authors analyzed functional condition of organism and peculiarities of fitness to work of sailors with the help of physical load during the campaign of surface vessel of special assignment in conditions of Polar region with complicated complex of unfavourable
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):62-67
pages 62-67 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):68-76
pages 68-76 views

Medical supply of the Russian army during the Patriotic War in 1812

Budko A., Zhuravlyov D.


The article is devoted to the 200th anniversary of the victory of the russian weapon in the Patriotic War in 1812. Russian military medics lended a weighty contribution to destruction of the strongest Napoleonic army. Together with russian soldiers they suffered woes and hardships, accompanied russian soldiers not only in moments of victories but also in the most hard moment, saving lives of wounded and illed, soldiers and civil population. Structure of medical service of the Russian Army, types of delivery of health care, some epispdes of the work of military medics are described.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):77-82
pages 77-82 views

Act of bravy of Surgeon in ordinary to the King Yustus Loder

Nakhapetov B.


Yustus Christian (in russian transcription Christian Ivanovich) Loder (1753—1832) studied in Gottingen University, where in 1777 defended degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. The article is devoted to his activity in organisation of delivety of the health care to the wounded during the Patriotic War in 1812 year. From September 1812 to May 1813 30 126 patients were treated in the hospitals controlled by Loder, 23 413 stepped back into the ranks, in other words almost 77%. 2096 patients died (7%). Loder was against so called early amputation widely propogated by surgeon-in-chief of French army D.Zh.Larrey as the only life-preserver.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):83-86
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Hospital schools during the Russian-Turkish War 1735-1739

Karpenko I.


In 1733 besides the school before the Moscow hospital also three hospital schools were open before Saint-Petersburg terrestrial and admiralty hospitals and before the hospital in Kronshtadt. The process of transfer of students from schools to army was the most intensive during the military conflicts with that is rich Russian history in XVIII century. According to documents, presented in the article, during the Russian-Turkish War in 1735—1739 hospital schools worked active and discharged a task of recruiting of medical service of the Russian Army. The most important precondition was basis of military-medical education grounded by Peter at the beginning of XVIII century.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):87-89
pages 87-89 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):90-91
pages 90-91 views

All-russian scientific epidemiologic forum

Ogarkov P., Kuzin A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2012;333(9):92-96
pages 92-96 views
