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卷 332, 编号 7 (2011)


Prevention of tobacco addiction in the Aimed Forces

Shamrey V., Marchenko A., Fomin S.


The problems of tobacco smoking among servicemen are analyzed from the position of their interrelations with the quality of service duties performance. On the basis of received data the conclusion is drawn that the servicemen with tobacco dependence are characterized by lower level of mental resilience, adjustment capacities and are related to lower category of fitness for duty. Based on analyzes of the world and own country experience the program of tobacco smoking prevention among servicemen is proposed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Telemedicine - Opinions of dermatovenerologist and patient

Tarasenko G., Lipova E., Glazko I.


The article presents the results of the survey of the dermatovenereologists and patients to explore their attitude to the telemedicine consultations. It is found that most of the dermatovenereologists have the positive attitude towards telemedicine consultations. From the perspective of patients using telemedicine technology is likely to breach the protection of personal privacy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Information Technology in the management of medical support NATO’s force

Shelepov A., Zakharov Y., Lapitsky V.


The analysis of various control systems of troops (forces) of NATO’s force is performed. It is shown that much experience in building automated control systems for operational and strategic level as the rear, and medical services. However, the experience of wars and military conflicts of the last decade has shown convincingly that solutions to complex issues of command and control units, as well as their interaction is possible only through an integrated approach - automation, not only those who first come into the fight, but the forces and means, involved in their welfare. Given direction is implemented in the U.S. Army’s development of automation, in particular, telemedicine.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):11-16
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Status and directions of improving of surveillance subsystem of sanitary-epidemiological situation in the service of Emergency Medicine of the Ministry of Defense

Kostyuchenko O., Karniz A., Yakovlev S., Kornyushko I.


The article provides a description of the composition and tasks of government, forces and means of preventive direction of Disaster Medicine Service in countering the biological threats. The subsystem of supervision of sanitary-epidemiological situation, functioning at the central, regional and territorial levels is entrusted with the organization and conduct of monitoring activities, monitoring, assessment, prediction, prevention and elimination of the adverse health and sanitary emergencies. The author suggests the promising areas of optimization of the subsystem of supervision of sanitary-epidemiological situation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):17-24
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Features of the organization and algorithms of actions of forensic experts in emergencies and military conflicts

Stepanov A., Pinchuk P.


The article deals with the problem of identification of unidentified dead bodies in emergency situations with mass casualties. The basic principles of forensic identification are regulatory and legal regulation, the types, methods and algorithm implementation. Solving of the problem of identification because of its great social, moral, ethical and political morality is an important public policy issue. It is emphasized the importance of an adequate regulatory framework in relation to objects and subjects of the identification and regulation of algorithms of actions forensic experts.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):25-29
pages 25-29 views

The effectiveness of intraocular delivery of 5-fluoroquinolones for prophylaxis of intraocular infection

Boyko E., Fokina D., Reytuzov V., Alekperov S.


The authors examined the possibility of the usage of ionic soft contact lenses for intraocular delivery of antibiotics for prophylaxis of intraocular infection in open combat trauma of the eyes during the stages of medical evacuation to the "local military conflicts, as well as to the hospital before elective surgery. It is proved high efficiency lens, moxifloxacin and levofloxacin saturated to prevent inflammatory complications of the eyes.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Surgical treatment of simple cysts of the kidney in multiphasic hospital

Belyakin S., Tsaryov M., Kochetov A., Parshin V., Dubrovskikh S., Kostin A., Korol V.


The presented work is based on an analysis of survey results and surgical treatment of 418 patients with simple renal cysts during the period from 1995 to 2010. The volume of the cysts ranged from one to 2500 ml. The average volume of the operated cysts was 360,2 ± 306,7 ml. The abilities of the multiphasic hospital,equipping it with the modern diagnostic and medical equipment, the long experience of work enabled the authors to develop the algorithm of inspection and surgical treatment of the patients with simple renal cysts and to develop practical recommendations, presenting them in logical schemes.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):35-38
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Epidemiological and Environmental Specifications of acute tonsillitis (angines) in contract servicemen of internal troops of the Russian Interior Ministry

Rybin V., Sabanin Y., Kuzin S., Kaskov O., Rikhter V., Zavolozhin V.


The features of disease tonsillitis (angines) in contract servicemen of internal troops of the Russian Interior Ministry in the period from 2000 to 2009 were studied. The authors calculated trends for long-term dynamics of its troops as whole and regional commands. The incidence of quinsy in the period under review tended to moderate reduction in the rate of 3,2% per year. The most significant increase in incidence is observed in a test in 2001 when there was formation of a large compound located in the field. In 2009, the share of sore throats in the structure of general morbidity of military personnel on a contract by 4,7%, the highest rate recorded in their autumn-winter period, due to the influence of «cold» factor.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Determining of suitability of military personnel of carrier profile based on an assessment of the functional state of the visual analyzer

Artemyev N., Ganapolsky V.


The article analyzes the important qualities of a professional military profile of the carrier, methodological support, aimed at evaluation, accounting professionally important qualities in the practice of professional psychological selection. It is also identified a group of professionally important qualities with the most highly predictive efficiency for the appointment of personnel for the post of operator activity profile.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Methodology of medical and psychological analysis of the causes of the pilot’s errors

Kozlov V.


On the basis of the terms of the concept of «personal factors» the author proposes the methodology for medical and psychological analysis of the causes of the pilots’ errors. We consider the basic qualities of the pilot: the needs and motivations, professional readiness for flight, health status and functional capacities, professionally important qualities. The author gives the characteristics of the components of the aviation system, which create prerequisites for the occurrence of the pilots’ errors.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):48-51
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Sovremennye programmnye produkty dlya upravleniya zapasami apteki gospitalya

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):53-54
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Primenenie val'giziruyushchey osteotomii bol'shebertsovoy kosti u bol'nykh molodogo vozrasta v vedomstvennom lechebnom uchrezhdenii

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):55-56
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Novye vozmozhnosti v lechenii metabolicheskogo sindroma: otsenka effektivnosti

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):57-57
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Sostoyanie apoptoza limfotsitov i eozinofilov pri formirovanii eksperimental'noy bronkhial'noy astmy i ee lechebnoy korrektsii

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):60-61
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Vrozhdennoe erektil'noe iskrivlenie polovogo chlena u molodykh muzhchin prizyvnogo vozrasta

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):62-63
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From the foreign medical publications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):66-68
pages 66-68 views

«Management put though not widely, but a satisfactory and comfortable...» (Addresses GVMU on the historical map of St. Petersburg and Moscow)

Poddubny M.


For the first time identified and described the building, which from 1830 housed the central management of military medicine in Russia and USSR: it was able to identify13 addresses and historic buildings in both capitals. All buildings have a high conservation status and well-preserved (the exception is only demolished housing in the Middle GVMU trade rows). Among the buildings occupied by the Medical Department of the War Ministry and the Chief of the military-medical department were real masterpieces, kind of architectural symbols of the two capitals - the creation of architects Carlo Rossi and Roman Klein. The longest period (1950-2004) stayed in control of one of the buildings of the Middle Trading Rows (Red Square, 5).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):69-76
pages 69-76 views

Military commissariats of the higher medical school of the country in 1920-s

Ostapenko V., Nagornaya S.


Defining influence on activity of the higher medical school of the country in 1920-1922 was rendered by military commissariats of the higher medical educational institutions led by commissioners under the general control of the Management at Narkomprose of RSFSR. Military commissioners had the right of a casting vote in board of high schools, carried out ideological control and provided performance of a class principle, operated financial questions and staffing issues,participated in the organization of educational process. Work of medical faculty of Smolensk state university (SSU) similarly was under construction. But, thanks to a principle position of professors of the faculty, enlistment office’s actions often were exposed to the criticism here, and many incompetent decisions of Military Commissariat have not been realized. It is possible to consider as a unique positive role of a Military Commissariat in SSU were the actions undertaken for preservation of faculty at attempts of its closing in 1920-1922.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):77-80
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Alekseyu Petrovichu Golikovu - 90 let!

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):93-93
pages 93-93 views

Naval and radiation hygiene: tradition, innovation and prospects

Grebenkov S., Zholus B., Chvyryov V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(7):94-96
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