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卷 332, 编号 10 (2011)


About the problems and prospects of improving of governance by the modern hospital associations

Maksimov I., Stolyar V.


The problems of efficiency of management of officials of hospital healthcare association of manage of remote branch offices and the structural units of the Main Military Clinical Hospital n. a. N.N.Burdenko is examined. Emphasizes the role of improved information exchange, collect and analyze medical and other information. As a tool, that can provide consolidation and optimal utilization of institutional capacity, and all the information and analytical resources offered to create a situational control center (div) of hospital health-care associations. The result of the introduction will increase div validity and quality of management decisions of the leadership of the words: management,hospital treatment and prevention association, communication, situational control center.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):4-8
pages 4-8 views

The organization of medical equipment and stock supply of Military medical facilities and groups of Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Federation Ministry Defense in emergency situations

Kornyushko I., Yakovlev S., Krasavin K., Lemeshkin R.


The article outlined the modern concept of medical equipment and stock supply of medical facilities and groups of Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Defense Ministry involved into the remedial of the medical actions of emergency situations. The structure of the units of medical supplies in these conditions is presented.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Adaptive immune response of people living near chemically hazardous object

Petlenko S., Ivanov M., Goverdovsky Y., Bogdanov E., Golubkov A.


The article presents data dynamics of adaptive immune responses of people for a long time living in adverse environmental conditions caused by pollution of the environment by industrial toxic waste. It is shown that in the process of adaptation to adverse environmental factors, changes in the immune system are in the phase fluctuations of immunological parameters that are accompanied by changes in the structure of immunodependent pathology. Most sensitive to prolonged exposure to toxic compounds are the cellular mechanisms of immune protection. Violations of the structural and quantitative and functional parameters of the link of the immune system are leading to the formation of immunopathological processes.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Otorhinolaryngological aspects of acute respiratory diseases

Gorbunov V.


The etiology and pathogenesis of acute respiratory infections are examined, given treatment recommendations according to four clinical-pathogenic phases of acute respiratory disease: virus aggression, bacterial superinfection, suppression of main functions of the mucous membrane, convalescence. The method of ultrasonic irrigation of the nasal mucosa and pharynx with 0,02% chlorhexidine for bacterial superinfection control is fully covered. The scheme of rehabilitation for the normalization of mucociliary clearance and recovery functions of the mucous membrane of respiratory tract infections is given.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Comparative analysis of carotid-subclavian transposition and stenting in case of stenotic damage of subclavian artery

Belyakin S., Antonov G., Lazarev V., Mitroshyn G., Galaktionov D., Miklashevich E., Melnichuk S., Gladyshev S.


So carotid-subclavian transposition and stenting are effective and safe methods of correction of occlusive subclavian artery disease. Angioplasty and stenting of the subclavian artery is particularly indicated in patients with high surgical risk. Patients at low risk of surgery is preferred execution carotid-subclavian transposition.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Usage of reamberin in correction of acute cerebral insufficiency in patients with acute neurotropic substances poisoning

Shilov V., Batotsyrenov B., Aleksandrov M., Vasilyev S., Aleksandrova T.


The aim of work was to test the using of reamberin on patients with cerebral deficiency due to severe forms of acute poisonings. The investigation was made on 60patients (38 men and 22 women), whose average age was 34,7+2,6 (for men) and 28,4+3,2 (for women). The main group was devided into two parts, which had compared age, sex and gravity of condition. The first one was given reamberin with standart therapy (I - 32 patients), the second - only standart therapy (II - 28 patients). It was revealed that using of reamberin in complex therapy of acute cerebral deficiency lead to decrease of intensity of cerebral deficiency and to increase of speed of cerebral activity rehabilitation. These changes lead to improvement of clinic tendency of cerebral deficiency, what was illustrated by decrease of comatose period from 55,0+2,2 to 33,0+2,6 hours, decrease of the time of being in reanimatology department from 69,1+3,6 to 53,4+4,3 hours.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Modern possibilities of the pharmacotherapy of acute bronchitis

Zaytsev A., Kulagina I., Peredelsky S., Alpenidze D.


The obtained results reflect data of multicenter open prospective randomized comparative study that included 150 patients with acute bronchitis. The estimation of the efficacy of recombinant human interferon 2 in the form of suppositories - genferon and viferon in the treatment of acute bronchitis in adults is given. It was revealed that the usage of these medications in the treatment of acute bronchitis is accompanied by a more dynamic regression of fever and intoxication syndromes, reduces the need for the appointment of additional medications and reduces the period of temporary disability of patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Dysaptation in troops called up for military service in the Northern Fleet

Myznikov I., Sadchenko S., Skripal V., Nikityuk A., Minayev A.


Analyzed the results of the survey and inspection of about 75 000 conscripts who came to the acquisition of forces and troops of the fleet in terms of the Kola Polar region in 2001-2010. Cases of identified mental disorders in the number of young recruits in the period of examination by military medical committee designated as the primary dysaptation, and later - as delayed. The authors concluded that at present time we can expect the total number of recruits 4,45% of persons with mental dysaptation, including 0,52% of the primary and 3,93% with delayed. Over the last 10 years, an average of 4,45% of conscripts who came to the acquisition of forces (troops) of the Northern Fleet, dismissed by reason of mental dysaptation. The main contribution to the structure of the causes of limited recognition of the young recruits fit and unfit for military service were neurotic disorders and personality pathology. The authors suggest a specific position on a number of documents that need proof in order to improve the quality of maintenance training and combat activities of troops and naval forces.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Diagnosis of reduction of reserves of mental adaptation in flight personnel and associated psycho-correction of preneurotic violations

Merezhkin A., Zholty O., Karanik A.


The study shows that widespread distribution and low detectability of the early stages of reduction of reserves of mental adaptation in troop echelon of aviation specialists conditions the necessity for outpatient screening and psycho-correction of violations of the state, indicating a decrease in adaptive capacity of the individual. According to the authors, the use of the complex rehabilitation measures of personality-oriented individual and group psychotherapy helps to leveling of manifestations of preneurotic violations, correction of stress-producing reduction of psycho-physiological functions in the system of professionally important qualities for pilots, and has a significant positive impact on the adaptive capacity of individual pilots in general. As a result, digestion of the psycho corrective course by pilots leads to positive dynamics of their mental state, which is confirmed by objective data.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Brief reports

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):55-78
pages 55-78 views

From the foreign medical publications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):79-80
pages 79-80 views

Branch N 6 of GVKG n. a. N.N.Burdenko celebrates 90th anniversary

Merezhkin A., Rozhnov Y., Mits N., Karanik A.


This article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of one of the largest military clinics, now - the branch N 6 of the Main Military Clinical Hospital n.a N.N.Burdenko. The institution deployed six day patient facility, where annually reinstate more than 4 thousand patients, which significantly reduces the burden on military hospitals and sanatoriums Defense. Polyclinic every day takes up to 2000 people, more than 60 thousand patients from the military, retirees of the Ministry of Defence and family members, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, more than 250 thousand people in this category is on the advisory medical support are attached to health care. Admission of patients carry more than 280 physicians 62 specialties, they are helped more than 380 experienced nurses. Expanded and equipped with modern medical equipment 119 therapeutic and diagnostic departments and offices.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):81-83
pages 81-83 views

Touches to the portrait of Professor A.A.Bocharov

Belyakin S., Kokhan E., Frolkin M.


110 years since the birth of a famous scientist, Professor Lieutenant General Medical Service Arcadiy Alekseevich Bocharov (23.09.1901-27.07.1970). In 1961 he was deputy chief surgeon of the Department of Defense and the chief surgeon of the Central Hospital n. a. P.V.Mandryka. In 1967 A.A.Bocharov became chief surgeon of the Central Military Clinical Hospital n.a. A.A.Vishnevsky. He owns more than 80 scientific publications section of multi-volume work «The experience of Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945».
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):84-85
pages 84-85 views

Professor Leo Fyodorovich Ilyin (to the 140-th anniversary of birth)

Miroshnichenko Y., Kononov V., Kostenko N.


At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries significant contribution to the approval authority of the Department of Pharmacy, Military Medical Academy introduced Professor Leo F. Ilyin (1871-1937) - a major domestic scholar and social activist, organizer of military medical supplies, physician by training, pharmacist, dedicated chemist and educator. Research, first launched in Russia by L.F.Ilyin, served as the basis for the production of morsulus - one of the most widely used dosage forms. Many works of L.F.Ilyin, his fellow workers and students are devoted to studying the structure of the active principles, properties and pharmacological action of wild and cultivated medicinal plants in Russia: herbs of marsh gilled, leaves of lobelia and May lily, roots and rootstocks of serpent grass, all-heal, pieplant, licorice, etc.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):91-92
pages 91-92 views


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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2011;332(10):93-96
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