卷 335, 编号 2 (2014)


Hi-tech health care: modern status and prospects of development in medical facilities of the Ministry of Defence

Fisun A., Kuvshinov K., Makiev R., Pastukhov A.


The article is devoted to the current issues of providing hi-tech medical care in hospitals of the Ministry of Defence. Since the beginning of 2013 the executive body of the Russian Ministry of Defense pays special attention to improvement of the quality and accessibility of health care contingent of the Ministry of Defence. Thus, according to decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu in 2013 more than 1.1 billion rubles (in 2012, targeted funding of high-tech medical care in the Ministry of Defence did not materialize) was allocated for military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to provide high-tech medical care. As a result, in 7 months in 2013 the volume of medical care has increased by 32% in comparison with the same period in 2012. Currently the main military medical department of the Ministry of Defense is working to resolve the order of delivery and financing hi-tech medical care in the Armed Forces in the following areas: inclusion of military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defence in the list of health organizations, providing high-tech medical care, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, legal regulation of the provision of high-tech medical care in military medical establishments of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation within the budget appropriation allocated to the Ministry of Defence.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Marketing in the system of military-medical facilities

Kostyuchenko O., Sviridova T.


. Military medical facilities of the Ministry of Defence oft he Russian, have received the right to provide additional services and have been involved in the sphere of market relations. The strong influence of market relations - an objective reality that must be used for the development of military medical institutions and improving quality of care.Effective commercial activity can improve capabilities of the military medical institutions. This requires constant study of market mechanisms to implement and develop their competitive advantage. The paper substantiates the need for the participation of military medical institutions in the provision of health services to the public on the terms of compensation incurred by financial institutions costs (paid medical services, medical assistance program of compulsory and voluntary health insurance). Taking into account the specifics of military medical institutions set out basic principles and recommendations have been implementing marketing approach in their management, the practical application of which will not only increase efficiency, but also create conditions to improve the financial and economic indicators. This knowledge will help the mechanism of functioning health care market and the rules of interaction of market counterparties.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Modern capabilities of laparoscopic surgery for kidney cancer treatment

Belyakin S., Khaburzaniya A., Sidorov V., Kokhan E.


Belyakin S.A., Khaburzaniya A.K., Sidorov V.A., Kokhan E.V. - Modern capabilities of laparoscopic surgery for kidney cancer treatment. Retroperitoneal surgical approach is the main component of operative intervention. This approach predetermines quality of surgical operation and the risk of intraoperative complications, an opportunity of their prevention. Lymphadenectomy is the unique method allowing authentically to confirm cancer in the lymph nodes and to evaluate a stage of disease. Endoscopicsurgical nephrectomy is the operation that keeps advantages of minimally invasive surgical approach in the majority of kidneys diseases without loss of quality of surgical treatment.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):17-21
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Systematization of primary headache: current and future prospects

Odinak M., Iskra D.


The article is devoted to the current state of the problem of systematization of primary headaches and main clinical forms. The conceptual evolution of ideas about the classification of certain options of cephalgia and identified major trends for its improvement is given. Verification of types and subtypes of individual cephalgia can present a significant challenge even for experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, and internists. In this regard in most European countries and the U.S. have set up specialized centers for the treatment of headaches. Concluded that in the short term in the national health care system, including. Including the Armed Forces, it is advisable to create such centers.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):22-31
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Structure and antibiotic resistance of urinary tract pathogens in case of urinary tract infection in young patients under the conditions of North

Plekhanov V.


For the purpose of optimization of antibacterial treatment of urinary tract infection in 700young patients under the condition of North it was examined the responsivity of urinary tract pathogens to antibiotics in 1998-2009. The most effective group of antibiotics is revealed. The most frequent types of urinary tract pathogens are: in men - S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, S. аureus; in women with non-complicated UTI - E. mli, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus и S. aureus; with complicated - E. coli, S. saprophyticus, S. epidermidis. The abovementioned pathogens showed the low antibiotic resistance (in vitro) to gentamicin and ofloxacin; high antibiotic resistance to cephalosporin (3rd generation) and ciprofloxacin. It is better to prescribe ofloxacin and cefotaxime for patients with complicated UTI; for women with non-complicated UTI - ofloxacin and ceftriaxone. It is necessary to consider nephrotoxicity and low compliance before prescription of gentamicin.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Osgood - Schlatter disease in military personnel

Krylov N.


Clinical and radiological manifestations and outcomes of Osgood - Schlatter disease in 141 serviceman held military service are presented. Patients had the late stage of disease. Authors describe four options of radiological signs. Indications for surgical treatment are substantiated. Proved traumatic nature of the disease in the adolescent growth period. Analysis of observational data allows us to conclude that the primary manifestations of trauma of shinbone area can occur in patellar ligament and apophasis of shinbone. In old cases of Osgood - Schlatter disease location and nature of the damage can be determined by hystotope analysis. This disease is one of the manifestations of heterotopic ossification.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):37-41
pages 37-41 views

The main ways of improvemnt of medical support of the Air Forces in modern conditions

Blaginin A., Grebenyuk A., Lizogub I.


Aircrew conducting active hostilities suffers from the whole spectrum of factors and conditions of the combat situation. The main task for the medical service of the Air Force is to carry out preventive and curative action for aviation specialists who are responsible for the combat capability of aircraft formations. The medical service of the Air Force must have forces and facilities for planning, organization and implementation of the treatment of lightly wounded and sick aviation professionals with short periods of recovery, medical rehabilitation of aircrew after suffering injuries, diseases, sanatorium therapy of aircrew with partial failure of health, outpatient and inpatient medical examination aircrew - flight commissions, preventive rest of aviation specialists with symptoms of chronic fatigue. Should be trained aviation physicians, including both basic military medical education and in-depth study of the medical aspects of various fields of personnel of the Air Force.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):42-45
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Delivery of surgical care on naval ships: formation, development, current stage

Kabanov M., Manuilov V., Solov'ev I., Pleskach V., Soroka A., Kolunov A.


Acute surgical diseases were and remain one of the most important problems of the organization of medical care and treatment of patients in the conditions of long distant sea voyage, when there is no possibility for medical evacuation. We analyzed the positive experience of surgical care in the sea, gained by Soviet and then and by Russian Navy physicians. As we haven’t registered significant changes in morbidity of Navy crewmembers, we think that studying and creative application of this experience will have the positive effect.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):45-51
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Improvement of the system of medical equipment rationing for military units in peacetime

Miroshnichenko Y., Goryachev A., Krasavin K., Tikhonov A.


We present characteristics of a new regulatory act issued by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Medical equipment supply rate for large units, military units and facilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime, prepared in the course of modernization of the system of medical equipment rationing. New system of medical equipment rationing answers modern requirements of the Armed Forces. Introduction of modern norms of medical supply into practical activities of military regulatory bodies, medical units, military units and organizations will increase the effectiveness and quality of medical service, will help to maintain servicemen’s health and will facilitate the combat readiness of medical units.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):52-57
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Kharakteristika fazovoy struktury serdechnogo tsikla u novobrantsev uchebnogo tsentraVMF na Severe

Gudkov A., Mosyagin I., Ivanov V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):58-59
pages 58-59 views

Magnitno-rezonans-naya diffuziya v diagnostike ochagovykh

Bagnenko S., Trufanov G.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):59-61
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Eksperimental'noe obosnovanie primeneniya immunomodulyatora moliksan v kachestve sredstva terapii gerpesvirusnoy infektsii

Stepanov A., Yartseva A., Grebenyuk A., Antonov V., Antushevich A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):64-65
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Prediktory sakharnogo diabeta 2-go tipa u lits s metabolicheskim sindromom

Gasparyan S.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):65-66
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Differentsirovannyy podkhod k khirurgicheskoy taktike pri perelomakh sheyki bedra

Akulich A., Akulich Y.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):68-69
pages 68-69 views

The modern sources for making a medical geography description

Soldatov E., Golota A., Krassii A., Parfenov V.


The current article is dedicated to application of Internet for acquisition of medical geography information. The vast majority of the modern domestic reference manuals are neither reliable nor up-to-date. At the time when the foreign printed sources are not easily accessible the foreign web resources often become the main source of information. The article possesses some practical advice on how to find the general, medical and military medical data on the web. It is emphasized the necessity of careful cross validation of all the obtained data to be confident in their reliability.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):70-73
pages 70-73 views

Sanitary and epidemiological supply for the Russian Army during the First World War (1914-1918)

Gorelova L., Loktev A.


At the beginning of the First World War the most typical diseases in the Russian Army were typhoid, typhus, diphtheria, cholera, smallpox and other infectious diseases. At the beginning of the First World War the level of infectious morbidity was significantly low, but further increased and pandemic risk arose. Servicemen were mostly ill with typhus, relapsing fever, flux, cholera, smallpox and typhoid. The highest mortality rate was registered in patients with cholera, typhus and typhoid. According the prewar deployment program of the Russian Army anti-epidemiologic facilities were established. By the end of war were established 110 sanitary-and-hygienic and 90 disinfection units. However, organization of anti-epidemiologic security was unsatisfactory. Due to lack of specialists and equipment anti-epidemiologic facilities of units were under strength. Commanders of sanitary units and sanitary service had not enough resources for operational service in the Forces and facilities of rear area.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):74-78
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Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):79-82
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News feed

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):83-88
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Session of defence committee of the State Duma at Vishnevskiy 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital

Baksheev V., Frolkin M.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):89-91
pages 89-91 views

A conference devoted to the anniversary of the first Russian department of ophthalmology

Boiko E., Reituzov V., Kirillov Y.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):92-95
pages 92-95 views

«Burdenko meetings» at the Central military clinical hospital

Kurnosenko V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(2):95-96
pages 95-96 views
