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卷 340, 编号 12 (2019)


Infowar and mental health

Fisun A., Shamrei V., Marchenko A., Goncharenko A.


The well-known theoretical approaches to the study of information impact in the conditions of modern confrontation are analyzed. A three-component model of information impact (individual, group and mass) is proposed, its main characteristics are formulated. Within the framework of this scheme, the main psychological and psychiatric consequences of the information impact of various scales are determined. Measures of medical and psychological protection of military personnel (hygienic and preventive components) are theoretically substantiated and practical ways of their implementation are proposed. The real effectiveness of measures to protect mental health in the face of information confrontation can be expected only if the comprehensive actions of all officials at various (state, departmental, group, individual) levels. It is extremely important to restore a state ideology based on respect for the traditional for the population, including the Russian military, moral values (memory, honor, military traditions).
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):4-15
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):15
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Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika morfologii i mekhanizma obrazovaniya ognestrel'nykh povrezhdeniy pri ispol'zovanii razlichnykh sredstv individual'noy bronezashchity

Pinchuk P., Leonov S., Vereskunov A., Shakiryanova Y., Loginov S.


The article presents the results of experimental firing from an AK-74 assault rifle equipped with 5.45ґ39 rounds with a steel core bullet, provided that personal protective equipment is used adjacent to the area of the exit gunshot wound. In the experiments, 2 types of armor panels were used: Granite 4RS (ceramic-composite) and Breastplate of the BZK (steel). Results were recorded using high-speed video. According to the research results, the morphological features of the output gunshot injuries of clothing fabric and biological objects, as well as the mechanism of their formation, provided that various types of personal protective equipment were presented to them, were established. The morphology of gunshot injuries is compared, the mechanism of damage formation is evaluated from the standpoint of hydrodynamics and the theory of resistance of materials.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):16-20
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):20
pages 20 views

Navigation as progressive methods. Prospects of usage in case of polytrauma

Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Korostelev K., Spitsyn M., Tyulikov K., Shevelev P., Antonov E.


Over the past few years, successes have been achieved in spinal surgery in the field of surgical technique, implant placement and the use of new high-tech equipment, such as navigation, which makes it possible to work in real time with images, as well as translate this data into an interactive three-dimensional «map» of the spine, the consequence of which is an increase in the quality of surgical interventions. The results of its use demonstrate superiority over traditional methods. The scope of intraoperative navigation with visual control in spinal surgery expanded to arthrodesis, revision procedures, cases of deformities with distorted anatomy, in other areas - intradural tumors, intracerebral hematomas. The technology can, with minimally invasive operations, mitigate most of the radiation exposure to which the patient, surgeon, and operating support staff are exposed. The article evaluates the data of special literature, options for the possible use of navigation in spinal and head surgery in patients with polytrauma.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Treatment of venous trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in a day hospital

Vorobev V., Karaivanov N., Butylo I., Galeppo V.


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of metol for the complex treatment of venous trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in a daytime hospital. 323 patients with decompensated forms of this pathology in the stage of active trophic leg ulcers were examined and treated. Age averaged 71±2.7 years. Staged treatment of patients. The use of topical and compression therapy made it possible to achieve a high degree of healing of trophic ulcers and restoration of trophic soft tissues for subsequent surgical interventions. The effectiveness of segmental phlebectomy in the treatment of open trophic ulcers has been proven. The expediency and effectiveness of a hospital-replacing technology for the treatment of trophic ulcers is shown.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis and its risk factors in military personnel of chemically hazardous objects

Gordienko A., Gorichnyi V., Partsernyak A., Serdyukov D., Khalimov Y., Yazenok A.


In the hospital therapy clinic, an in-depth examination of 360 male soldiers was carried out, depending on contact with chemical weapons, divided into 2 groups: I - contacting with chemical weapons (n=104), II - chemically intact (n=256). An assessment of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, an ultrasound study of the endothelium of the common carotid arteries. In patients of group I, the most significant factors of cardiovascular risk were identified: arterial hypertension (76%), alimentary obesity (51%), smoking (47%). It was found that in group I (with prolonged contact with chemical weapons), compared with chemically intact individuals, the development of dyslipidemia and the initial manifestations of atherosclerosis was noted more often and 3-5 years earlier.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):37-44
pages 37-44 views

The incidence of respiratory viral infections in military personnel

Alimov A., Kalmykov A., Mukhachev I., Artebyakin S., Mamontov O., Slobodenyuk A., Vyalykh I., Markaryan A., Malchikov I.


An assessment of the incidence in the three-year dynamics of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in a military team with laboratory confirmation of the etiology of the disease. In the epidemic seasons 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 the incidence of respiratory viral infections among military personnel vaccinated against influenza was 30.5-50 cases per 100 people. Viruses of non-influenza etiology were detected in 42.4-97.1% of cases. Influenza viruses detected only in the 2018-2019 season accounted for 15.2%. In the first and second epidemic seasons in the observed group, adenovirus infection (43.7-88.6%) was more often recorded among patients, the rhinovirus was the second most frequent. The active circulation of non-influenza etiology viruses in the epidemic seasons and the absence of non-specific prophylaxis agents require active influence on the second and third links of the epidemic process sanitation of the indoor air environment and increasing the body’s resistance using non-specific protective equipment.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):45-49
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):49
pages 49 views

Principles of extrapolation of experimental data from laboratory animals to humans

Ivanov I., Ushakov I.


A study was conducted to justify the main directions of transferring experimental data from laboratory animals to humans. The selection of criteria and methods for assessing the state of the human body and comparing them with animals in simulated situations is systematized according to three main levels - physiological, biochemical, neuropsychological and social. The first level includes parameters of physiological reactions, clinical, laboratory and biochemical parameters, the second - indicators characterizing the functions of higher nervous activity, neurodynamic reactions, the performance of targeted actions and psychological manifestations, and the third level - characteristics of interpersonal interactions. The types, tasks and research methods that are conducted on small animal rodents (screening) and on larger animals from other orders of mammals that are closer in evolutionary development and other parameters to humans (in-depth) are considered. It is shown that when comparing the results of studies obtained in experiments on animals and in human observations, it is important to use coefficients for the quantitative transfer of data from animals to humans, which require careful justification, considering the interspecific characteristics of mammals and humans.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):50-56
pages 50-56 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):56
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):59
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Psycho-emotional state of urological patients with combination therapy to prevent purulent-inflammatory postoperative complications

Esipov A., Kochetov A., Parshin V., Fokin Y., Stegantsev D., Kochetov A.


A new method of combination therapy is proposed to prevent purulent-inflammatory postoperative complications in urological patients. This method consists in combining lymphotropic antibiotic prophylaxis with wound treatment with nitric oxide and is associated with strong emotional and personal reactions of patients to treatment. The determination of changes in the psycho-emotional status of patients under the influence of the specified therapeutic effect. A comprehensive examination was performed on 130 patients, 67 of whom received traditional treatment, and 63 patients (main group) received combination therapy. To assess the condition of patients, personality questionnaires were used: the methodology «Scale of reactive and personal anxiety» and a differential functional state differential self-assessment test. The obtained results confirm the presence of significant changes in the parameters of the psychological status of patients after combination therapy. Both reactive and personal anxiety were lower in the main group of patients. The indicators of the differential self-assessment test of the functional state of patients in this group were higher, which corresponds to clinical indicators. These data prove the effectiveness of the proposed combination therapy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):60-62
pages 60-62 views

The Orenburg military hospital celebrates the 275th anniversary

Kalmykov A., Rychkov V., Trunov Y., Stepanov A.


The publication presents the history of the Orenburg Military Hospital since 1744. Over the 275-year period of operation, the hospital (now branch No. 3 of the 426th Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russia) made a great contribution to the establishment and strengthening of Russia’s borders on the border between Europe and Asia. Until the middle of the XIX century. The hospital was the only medical institution in Orenburg and the Orenburg province. During the Great Patriotic War, up to 15 thousand people were cured in the hospital and returned to service, 11 mobile field hospitals were formed and sent to the army. Currently, the hospital is a modern multidisciplinary medical institution that successfully performs the tasks assigned to it to preserve and improve the health of Russian military personnel, military pensioners and family members in the Orenburg garrison.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Professor S.S.Botkin na Russko-yaponskoy voyne 1904-1905 gg

Poddubnyy M.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):69-78
pages 69-78 views

Pamyatnye daty istorii voennoy meditsiny 2020 goda

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):78-80
pages 78-80 views


Fisun A., Kotiv B., Tsygan V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):81-82
pages 81-82 views

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):82-83
pages 82-83 views

Working meeting on additive technologies in the A.A.Vishnevsky 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital

Esipov A., Alekhnovich A., Fokin Y.


In May 2019, based at the A.A.Vishnevsky 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital, a working meeting was held on «Problematic issues and prospects for the development of additive (3D) technologies in a multidisciplinary departmental hospital». It was attended by representatives of leading military and civilian medical, as well as scientific institutions, companies, the Association of specialists in 3D printing in medicine. At the meeting, experience gained by specialists in the field of additive technologies in medicine was generalized and systematized, the main ways of further development of this area in military medical organizations were identified.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):84-85
pages 84-85 views

Perechen' statey, napechatannykh v 2019 g. v «Voenno-meditsinskom zhurnale»

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2019;340(12):86-96
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