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卷 341, 编号 8 (2020)


The principle of separation in the training of field surgeons and its practical implementation

Samokhvalov I., Reva V., Fomin N., Goncharov A., Fisun A.


Because of the rapid development of medicine, a mismatch has been formed between the increased requirements for a modern military surgeon and the real level of his training. The reduction in hours of field surgery at universities, the abolition of internships, the general decrease in the length of studies in residency, the low involvement of hospitals in the civilian trauma system lead to insufficient training of a modern military surgeon. Based on the results of testing 16 operating military surgeons, analysis of training courses on damage surgery and field surgery available in Russia and the world, proposals for improving the training system based on the principle of separation of training are justified, including 1) mandatory basic training and continuing medical education, 2) passing certified courses in field surgery and damage surgery, 3) passing additional training courses in related disciplines, 4) regular secondment to trauma centers with a high flow of victims, 5) full - fledged training teamwork before being sent to the theater of operations.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):4-24
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):24
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Study of the effectiveness of the joint prophylactic use of β - estradiol and atropine in acute poisoning with diisopropyl fluorophosphate

Myasnikov V., Tyunin M., Chepur S., Ilinskii N.


The article studies the effectiveness of the everyday prophylactic use of β - estradiol and atropine in acute poisoning of 90 white outbred male rats with diisopropyl fluorophosphate poisoning. The administration of atropine and β - estradiol does not affect the time of development of the first signs of poisoning. Still, it significantly reduces the severity of intoxication, the seriousness of convulsive syndrome, and the likelihood of death of experimental animals. The data obtained allow us to consider estrogens as a component of the means of increasing the effectiveness of standard prophylaxis and emergency therapy of acute organophosphate poisoning.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):25-30
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Standardized experimental model of open - fire gunshot eye injury type B, C, D

Kolbin A., Churashov S., Kulikov A., Troyanovskii R., Kopylov R., Zdorovtsov D., Kanevskii B., Alekperov S.


On experimental animals, models of a gunshot open eye injury of types B, C, D, and a closed eye injury of type A were created, which in their ballistic and pathogenetic characteristics are similar to gunshot injury. We used a pneumatic multi compression unit, a set of standard and modernized shells, a ballistic chronograph, Chinchilla rabbits, an analytical balance, a camera, and a high-speed video camera to simulate an open eye injury. Approximate selection of parameters for creating the model was carried out on a bar of plasticine, and the final one on 16 rabbits (32 eyes). In each of the three groups of experiments, a comprehensive analysis of the ballistic properties of the projectile and the type of injury received was carried out. To achieve the required model during the trials, the conditions of the shot and the kind of shell were changed.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Surgical treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema of the pleura

Beznosik R., Polyanskii V., Lyatoshinskii A., Savitskii G.


Three hundred thirty - three patients with chronic tuberculous empyema of the pleura were treated in the hospital under medical observation. Of these, 325 (97.6%) men and 8 (2.4%) women (age ranged from 18 to 87 years). Two hundred twenty - three patients were operated on. The most frequent radical surgery was reconstructive surgery - pleurectomy, lung decortication, including with lung resection and thoracoplasty in 176 (78.9%) patients. Good results were obtained in 97.7% of cases, satisfactory in 2.3% of cases. Radical surgical interventions were contraindicated in 88 (26.4%) patients because of the extreme risk (elderly and senile age, a marked decrease in the functional parameters of the heart, lungs, liver, concomitant pathology). Satisfactory treatment outcomes for such patients provided closed drainage of the pleural cavity to reduce intoxication, the disappearance or decrease of cough and excessive sputum production, specific chemotherapy.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):38-45
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Cerebral metastases as a cause of non - traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: long - term results of surgical treatment

Prozorenko E., Glushakov R., Karakhan V., Sevyan N., Belov D., Aleshin V., Bekyashev A., Mitrofanov A.


The long - term results of surgical treatment (2005-2013) of metastatic brain damage complicated by tumor hemorrhage were studied in 264 patients, including 87 (32.95%) with hemorrhages from metastases. All metastatic tumors and associated hematomas were removed microsurgically, while block removal of neoplasms was performed in 195 (73.9%) patients, in 69 (26.1%) neoplasms were removed by fragmentation. Patients are stratified by the principle of the histological structure of the primary tumor, divided into classes of RPA (recursive partition analysis). The observation interval (from surgery to a clinically significant event) is from 1 to 72 months (median - 22.6 months). Local relapses occurred in 14 (16.1%) patients from the group with hemorrhages in the tumor and 47 (26.6%) in the rest of the cohort of patients with cerebral metastases (c2=3.59, p=0.059; f=1.97 , p>0.05). With block removal of metastases, the local recurrence rate was 11.7%, with fragmentary - 25.9% (c2=2.804, p=0.095; f=1.597 p>0.05). Medians of non - progressive and overall survival after surgery in all patients did not exceed 4.9 and 9.3 months, respectively. In comparison, the minimum values were observed with metastatic melanoma (1.6 and 6 months) and class III RPA (3.6 and 6.5 months). Surgical treatment is effective in patients with symptomatic hemorrhagic metastases, allowing them to achieve similar local relapses and life expectancy after surgery results with a group of patients without intracerebral hemorrhages from metastases.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):46-53
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):53
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Characteristics of individual oral hygiene in cadets of military schools

Iordanishvili A., Idris A.


The individual oral hygiene was studied in 147 cadets of military educational institutions. 32 or 24.5% of the cadets had good or superficial knowledge about the methods, objects, and means of caring for the oral cavity. 23.8% misused oral care items. In 35.4% of cadets, toothbrushes, as the main subject of oral care, were in poor condition and needed to be replaced. The conclusion is drawn about the importance of teaching cadets the rules of caring for teeth and tissues of the oral cavity during rehabilitation in the framework of the medical examination and increasing the role of unit commanders in maintaining items and means of oral hygiene in personnel in satisfactory condition.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):54-57
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):57
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On the organization of medical care for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome in the regional vascular center

Gritsanchuk A., Gridnev O., Fomin V., Steklov V., Kuznetsov V.


A retrospective analysis of the medical activity of the regional vascular center of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital named after M.P.Konchalovsky, working in the framework of the Regional program of specialized medical care for the acute coronary syndrome. Organizational measures carried out in the regional vascular center made it possible to reduce the time interval from the moment a patient with acute coronary syndrome arrives at the hospital admission department until the mechanical recanalization and stenting of the infarction - associated artery begins, increase operative activity and reduce the average hospital bed day of the patient.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):58-61
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The study of cardiohemodynamics in various phenotypes of masked arterial hypertension

Geltser B., Vetrova O., Orlova-Ilinskaya V., Kotelnikov V., Shakhgeldyan K.


Two hundred seven men with an average age of 34.6 years with a healthy level of «office» blood pressure were examined, daily monitoring of the latter, and echocardiography was performed. Masked arterial hypertension was diagnosed in 142 (68.6%) patients. Individual phenotypes of hypertension differed in magnitude and duration of hypertension, deviations in the daily profile of blood pressure, the severity of myocardial stress, and the power of contractions of the left ventricle. The limitation of the left ventricle’s practical resources was more noticeable in systolic - diastolic and isolated diastolic forms of masked arterial hypertension. Isolation of its phenotypes with a specific set of changes in the indicators of cardiohemodynamics can increase the effectiveness of risk stratification and optimize the prevention and therapy programs for this pathology.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):61-65
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The evolution of the architecture of the first hospitals in Arkhangelsk

Fedorova M., Kholodova L.


Since 1733, the Arkhangelsk port has become a military port, and the issue of providing qualified medical care in the North’s challenging conditions has arisen on the list. From this moment, a long path begins to become a healthcare system in the region and, accordingly, the evolution of hospital buildings. The article discusses the chain of changes.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):65-67
pages 65-67 views

Assessing the relationship of mineral metabolism and bone metabolism in diseases of the thyroid gland

Antonov P., Sitnikov O., Pavlov A., Cherkashina L., Kurkina O., Zaikova L., Yurkova G.


The effect of thyroid hormone deficiency on indicators of calcium - phosphorus metabolism, biochemical markers of bone metabolism in women of reproductive age (n=37) with primary hypothyroidism, depending on the characteristics of its course, was evaluated. In women with hypothyroidism without treatment, a slowdown in both bone resorption and bone formation is revealed due to a decrease in bone metabolism. In patients with primary hypothyroidism receiving hormone replacement therapy, increased bone resorption is detected. The most evident violations of bone metabolism in patients with hypothyroidism are observed with prolonged replacement therapy with thyroid hormones (over seven years) and with a history of thyrotoxicosis, as well as with a low initial peak bone mass.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):68-70
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Novocherkassk military hospital celebrates 100 years anniversary

Kokoev V., Titenko M., Golovin D.


A brief outline of the history of the 377th military hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation located in Novocherkassk (now Branch No. 2 of the 1602nd Military Clinical Hospital of the Southern Military District) is presented.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):71-73
pages 71-73 views

Quarantines and sanitary conventions of Russia with the northern sea powers (first third of the XIX century)

Vishlenkova E., Zatravkin S.


Based on the quarantine regulations published in The Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, as well as documents from the archives of the Medical Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the quarantine collection of the Russian Empire’s Foreign Policy Archive and the records of the Latvian Historical Archive, this article reconstructs the sanitary system of the northern sea powers in which Russia participated. Until the 1830s maritime quarantines and sanitary agreements between the countries proceeded from the assumption that military and merchant ships are carriers of infectious diseases from one territory to another. Accordingly, the protection of «one’s own» or «common» areas implied the destruction or disinfection of these carriers of infection. The specificity of the northern sanitary system was that it did not protect the participating countries from the «plague East», but from the continental southern and western Europe, which was infected as a result of colonial wars and global trade.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):73-83
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):84-87
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):88-89
pages 88-89 views

Interdepartmental All-Army Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual issues of first aid for the wounded on the battlefield in modern conditions»

Kalachev O., Polovinka V., Bulatov M., Tolstosheev V., Makiev R., Afonkin S., Mustaev O., Katulin A., Smirnov D.


A report is presented on the March 2012 Interdepartmental All-Army Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual issues of first aid for the wounded on the battlefield in modern conditions.» Participants had the opportunity to take master classes in developing practical skills in providing first aid using simulation equipment at six training points. A show was held with a demonstration of the actions of the personnel of the military units to provide first aid to the wounded during fire contact. Representatives of industry took part in the exhibition, familiarizing those present with promising samples of medical equipment intended for first aid in emergencies, simulation equipment for first aid training, etc.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2020;341(8):90-96
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