
Ковлен, Д. В.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 342, 编号 10 (2021) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Implementation of digital technologies in the work of military health resorts of the Ministry of Defense
卷 342, 编号 11 (2021) Organization of medical support for the military establishment The main directions of improving the system of medical care for medical rehabilitation in the health resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense
卷 343, 编号 10 (2022) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Medical rehabilitation in a military health-resort organization (according to the experience of the military health-resort «Volga»)
卷 343, 编号 9 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Medical rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the nervous system in a multidisciplinary health-resort
卷 343, 编号 6 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Experience in medical rehabilitation of patients who have undergone COVID-19 in the health resorts of the North Caucasian health resort complex of the Russian Ministry of Defense
卷 343, 编号 7 (2022) Organization of medical support for the military establishment A modern system of medical rehabilitation of patients who have had a myocardial infarction in the health-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense
卷 344, 编号 2 (2023) Военная фармация и медицинская техника Characteristics of modern standards for the supply of medicines for the provision of medical care and treatment of children in military sanatorium organizations
卷 344, 编号 9 (2023) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Modern approaches to improving medical rehabilitation in the Southern Military District
卷 344, 编号 7 (2023) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Development of a rehabilitation direction in the treatment of military personnel with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems in the «Podmoskovye» health-resort of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
卷 344, 编号 8 (2023) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Development of a system of medical rehabilitation in sanatoriums and resorts organizations of the Eastern Military District
