Шарлотта Мурчисон — женщина, сделавшая мужа великим. К 235-летию со дня рождения



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Шарлотта Мурчисон была женой известного британского геолога и палеонтолога, сэра Родерика Импи Мурчисона. Во многом благодаря влиянию своей супруги, увлекающейся естественными науками, Мурчисон однажды определил для себя карьеру ученого.

Об авторах

А. В Ульяхин

Палеонтологический институт имени А.А.Борисяка РАН

Email: ulyakhin@paleo.ru
Москва, Россия

Список литературы

  1. Kölbl-Ebert M. Charlotte Murchison (née Hugonin), 1788–1869. Earth Sciences History. 1997; 16(1): 39–43.
  2. Geikie A. Life of Sir Roderick I.Murchison, bart.: K.C.B., F.R.S.; sometime director-general of the Geological survey of the United Kingdom. London, 1875.
  3. Созимова К.А. Женское образование в Англии на рубеже XVIII–XIX вв. на примере романов Джейн Остен. Педагогическое образование в России. 2015; (11): 264–270.
  4. Murchison A. War Before Science: Sir Roderick Impey Murchison’s Youth, Army Service and Military Associates During the Napoleonic Wars. Bethesda, 2013.
  5. Somerville M. Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville. London, 1874.
  6. Sowerby J. The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or Coloured Figures and Descriptions of those Remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth. V.VI. London, 1829.
  7. Buckland W. Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology. Ch.XIII: Fossil Fishes. London, 1836.
  8. Murchison R.I. Geological Sketch of the North-western Extremity of Sussex, and the adjoining Parts of Hants and Surrey. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Ser.2. 1825; 2: 97–108.
  9. Sharpe T. The Fossil Woman: A Life of Mary Anning. Wimborne, 2020.
  10. Kölbl-Ebert M. The geological travels of Charles Lyell, Charlotte Murchison and Roderick Impey Murchison in France and northern Italy (1828). Special Publications. Geological Society London. 2007; 287(1): 109–117.
  11. Wilson L.G. Charles Lyell, The Years to 1841: The Revolution in Geology. New Haven, 1972.
  12. Lyell K.M. Life, Letters, and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell. V.1. London, 1881.
  13. Patterson E.C. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815–1840. Nijhoff, 1983. (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives. V.102).
  14. Kölbl-Ebert M. Mary Buckland (née Morland), 1797–1857. Earth Sciences History. 1997; 16(1): 33–38.
  15. Murchison R.I. The Silurian system. London, 1839.
  16. Sedgwick A., Murchison R.I. A Sketch of the Structure of the Eastern Alps; with Sections through the Newer Formations on the Northern Flanks of the Chain, and through the Tertiary Deposits of Styria. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Ser.2. 1832; 3(2): 301–420.
  17. Brown T. Illustrations of the Fossil Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with Descriptions and Localities of All the Species. London, 1849.
  18. Wachtler M. The fascinating Upper Permian montan flora from the Dolomites. Wachtler M., Wachtler N. Permian Fossil Floras and Faunas from the Dolomites. Dolomythos, 2021.

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