Omulevka Middle-Mountain Region as a Refuge of the Calcicole Flora in Northeast Asia

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In Northeast Asia, calcicolous plants are relatively rare, since the predominant rocks are poor in carbonates. In this regard, the Omulevka middlemountain region composed of Paleozoic limestones and located in the upper reaches of the river with the same attracts especial attention. In 2022, a signifi cant part of the area was included into the Andreev Chersky National Park. Due to its remoteness and lack of roads, the botany studies in the middle mountain region are insuffi cient. In 2023, the expedition on an off -road vehicle covered more than 1000 km throughout the park. The preliminary processing of the collected botanical samples allows us to consider the Omulevka middle-mountain region as a refuge of calcicole fl ora. Among more than 300 species of vascular plants typical for the forest part of northeastern Asia, about 20–25 turned to be pronounced (or even obligate) calcicole species. Almost all of them are rare in the Magadan Region, but in the National Park they are not merely common, but numerous. Some of them (Rhododendron adamsii, Chrysanthemum mongolicum, Leontopodium villosulum, etc.) practically form fi elds along low pebble river terraces. Approximately half of the calcicole species have status of regionally protected species, and one — the federal status. Further studies are expected to be very fruitful.

About the authors

E. V Khamenkova

Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Magadan, Russia

M. G Khoreva

Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Magadan, Russia


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