Every Fish Is Not a Sturgeon: On the Problem of Nepheline Ordering

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Nepheline with idealized formula KNa3[Al4Si4O16] is a widespread rock-forming mineral of alkaline rocks. Nepheline from the high-temperature pneumatolyte association of the Grauliai deposit (Eifel volcanic region, Germany) has been investigated by means of single-crystal X-ray structure analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Hexagonal unit-cell parameters are: a = 10.0438(1), c = 8.4145(1) Å, space group P63. It was established that nepheline from Grauliai region is disordered in Al and Si over the framework tetrahedral sites. Nepheline is considered to be the second most important type of aluminum raw material and is widely used in ceramics, leather, rubber, textiles, wood, and the oil industry.

About the authors

R. K Rastsvetaeva

Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Federal Scientific Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics”, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: rast.crys@gmail.com
Moscow, Russia

S. M Aksenov

Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

Email: aks.crys@gmail.com
Apatity, Russia


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