Ring Structures of Mongolia: Features, Directions of Modern Research, and Geotourism



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Visual analysis of characteristic morphological features using geoinformation systems and remote sensing data revealed new ring structures. Such structures are usually clearly visible on aerial and satellite images, geological and geomorphological maps. The decryption of aerial photographs, the use of space data, and forecasts made on their basis have to be confirmed by field research materials: the search for cosmic matter and asteroid craters. A full cycle of research and field work on the study of geomorphology, lithology, petrography, collecting samples and their subsequent in-lab processing provide a possibility to reveal the nature of ring structures. The natural ring structures of Mongolia with their vivid morphological features are of great importance for science and education, and may be interesting for thematic tourism.

Sobre autores

S. Abdul’myanov

Vernadsky State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: abdulmyanov@gmail.com
Moscow, Russia


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