“I Saw more Morpho in those Two Days than I’ve Ever Seen in My Entire Life”. From the diary of Th.Dobzhansky, 1948, Brazil



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We provide diary entries of Theodosius Grigorievich Dobzhansky, an outstanding Russian-American geneticist, evolutionist, and entomologist, that were made in the autumn of 1948, during his trip to Brazil. The trip was conducted to study genetic variability in natural populations of several species of the Drosophila fruit fl y and to determine the features of its ecology and behavior. In these notes, as well as in the notes made during his other expeditions, Th.Dobzhansky appears not only as a naturalist and a traveler, but as a person deeply and vividly interested in the way of life, customs, and views of other people, as well as the cultural, social, and political environments of the places he visited.

Sobre autores

M. Konashev

Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Saint Petersburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: mbkonashev@mail.ru
Saint Petersburg, Russia


  1. См.: Конашев М.Б. «...Зрелище красоты несказуемой». Из дневника Ф.Г.Добржанского. 1934 г. (Природа. 2022; 8: 49–59).
  2. См.: Конашев М.Б. «…Сосны здесь почти что сходятся с тропической растительностью». Из дневника Ф.Г.Добржанского 1935 г. Мексика. Часть 1 (Природа. 2022; 9: 56–65);@@ Часть 2 (Природа. 2022; 10: 57–70).
  3. Результаты этих исследований см.: Dobzhansky Th., Dreyfus A. Chromosomal aberrations in Brazilian Drosophila ananassae (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.). 1943; 29: 301–305);@@ Dobzhansky Th., Pavan C. Chromosome complements of some south-Brazilian species of Drosophila (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.). 1943; 29: 368–375);@@ Dobzhansky Th., Pavan C. Studies on Brazilian species of Drosophila (Bol. Fac. Filos.Ciencia Letras da Univ. São Paulo (Biologia Geral). 1943i; 36: 7–72);@@ Dobzhansky Th., Pavan C. Local and seasonal variations in relative frequencies of species of Drosophila in Brazil (J. Anim. Ecol. 1950m; 19: 1–14);@@ Pavan C., Dobzhansky Th., Burla H. Diurnal behavior of some neotropical species of Drosophila (Ecology. 1950; 31(1): 36–43);@@ Burla H., da Cunha A.B., Cavalcanti A.G.L., Dobzhansky Th., Pavan C. Population density and dispersal rates (Ecology. 1950; 31: 393–404);@@ Dobzhansky Th., da Cunha A.B. Differentiation of nutritional preferences in Brazilian species of Drosophila (Ecology. 1955; 36: 34-39).
  4. APSL (American Philosophical Society Library). B: D 65. Th.Dobzhansky Papers. Notebooks.
  5. О сотрудничестве Ф.Г.Добржанского и бразильских генетиков см.: Pavan С., da Cunha A.B. Theodosius Dobzhansky and the development of Genetics in Brazil (Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2003; 26(3): 387–395).
  6. Sinnott E.W., Dunn L.C., Dobzhansky Th. Principles of Genetics. 4th ed. New York, 1950.

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