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编号 5 (2023)



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“Black Swan” Statistics: on the Recurrence of Rare Strong Earthquakes

Rodkin M.


Thanks to the American essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the title “black swans” now describes unexpected, rare, and often destructive events and phenomena. The author attributed this beautiful image to extreme events that radically change the situation. It is often pointed out that the problem of “black swans” may be of key importance for the modern, extremely volatile, and potentially catastrophic world. “Black swans” appear suddenly, and it would be good to know at least some patterns of their appearance and frequency. It is known that the vast majority of various types of disasters, both of natural and man-made origin, is described by the power law of distribution, fi rst identifi ed for earthquakes (the Gutenberg—Richter earthquake recurrence law). More than that, the earthquake events are not only the very fi rst described by this law, but, perhaps, are the most famous, most provided with statistical data, and therefore the most studied. However, even for earthquakes, the nature of their statistics remains debatable. The article discusses the issues of the recurrence of strong earthquakes, the reduction of the caused losses, and earthquake insurance.
Priroda. 2023;(5):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Doublet of Turkish Earthquakes on February 6, 2023: Questions and Lessons

Rodkin M., Irmak T., Taymaz T.


In February 2023, a pair of strong earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.6 occurred in southern Turkey. Every devastating earthquake almost always provokes a discussion of seismic hazards and arising of new questions. The case of the Turkish earthquakes is not an exception. Moreover, these earthquakes aff ected an economically developed area with a high population density, a quite well-studied area, well provided with geophysical observations.
Priroda. 2023;(5):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Fish Farming of the Ural Cossacks

Izyumov A.


The studies on the fi sh farming techniques, carried out in the Ural Cossack community in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, played a major role in the development of Russian ichthyology.
Priroda. 2023;(5):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Charlotte, Lady Murchison — the Woman Who Made Her Husband a Great Man. On the 235th Anniversary of the Birth

Uliakhin A.


Charlotte, Lady Murchison was the wife of a famous British geologist and paleontologist, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison. Largely due to the influence of his wife, who was interested in natural sciences, Murchison once defi ned for himself a career as scientist.
Priroda. 2023;(5):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Poetry between Myth and Logos: a Decisive Step towards Science

Donskikh O.


Two intellectual traditions, the Indian and the Greek, are used as a basis to discuss the emergence of science in the so-called “axial time” (800–200 BCE) and the role of poetry in the formation of scientifi c thought. At that time, spiritual culture existed as an oral tradition, and the spoken word played a leading role. For several centuries, poets organized and preserved the sacred texts of the Rigveda. They created special ways of pronunciation in order to not distort the sound of hymns, wrote down comments concerning unclear phrases and words, composed dictionaries, and formulated rules of grammar. All these activities resulted in the development of the Vedangas: religious and scientifi c texts, representing, in particular, such disciplines as phonetics, etymology, grammar, and astronomy. To some extent, a similar process can be seen in the Greek tradition. Poets formed a creative attitude to tests and created neologisms, which was an example and a prerequisite for the creation of a number of concepts by philosophers. They also deepened the content of a number of key concepts, such as “measure”, “justice”, etc., began to criticize the mythological tradition, releasing ideas from rigid authorities, and discovered reasoning in the form of proportions. Thus, poetry played a crucial role in the transition from mythological to rational thinking.
Priroda. 2023;(5):39-47
pages 39-47 views

What Happened on November 6th, 1741 on Bering Island

Bykasov V.


In the morning of November 6, 1741 the packet-boat “Svyatoy Pyotr” (St. Peter) of the Second Kamchatka Expedition previously thrown by the night storm to the north of Bering Island, headed south to its coast. At 5 pm the ship anchored in 2 versts (~ 7000 feet) from the coast. At 6 pm the weather was calm but the sudden powerful standing waves twice torn the anchor ropes. Then a wave of 2.5–3 m high has thrown the ship over the reef into Bering Bay, where it stayed all the calm moonlit night. We speculate that these near catastrophic events were a consequence of a sea-quake, caused by an underwater volcano eruption.
Priroda. 2023;(5):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Climate in the Media Mirror

Kiselev A.


Mass media often ask climate scientists for clarifi cations on the causes of extreme weather events, as well as for commentary on publications in leading international journals or on climate-related anniversary events. The journalists’ attempts to convey scientifi c opinion on a particular burning issue (and weather and climate are certainly of those) are very respectable. However, both journalists and their programs often turn out to be of very diff erent quality.
Priroda. 2023;(5):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Memorial to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the Courtyard of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Who are They?

Demina N.


Во дворе старого здания Российской академии наук (Москва, Ленинский проспект, д.14) стоит мемориал героям Великой Отечественной войны, на котором выгравировано: Вечная память павшим в борьбе за свободу и независимость Родины в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–45. Акользин В.Н., Белов М.Е., Битюков Л.Д., Куканов А.М., Леппин И.И., Николаев Б.Н., Разоренов Р.П., Сажнев И.Ф., Соловьев И.Г., Стамбульчик П.М., Сукновалов М.М.
Priroda. 2023;(5):61-67
pages 61-67 views
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Б.А.Калоев. ОСЕТИНЫ: ИСТОРИКО-ЭТНОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ. 6-е изд., стереотипное. М.: Наука, 2023. 471 с. АДЫГИ: АДЫГЕЙЦЫ. КАБАРДИНЦЫ. ЧЕРКЕСЫ. ШАПСУГИ / Отв. ред. А.Х.Абазов, Ю.Д.Анчабадзе, А.В.Кушхабиев, М.М.Паштова. М.: Наука, 2022. 870 с. (Серия: Народы и культуры). А.И.Никитин. МОЯ ШАРОВАЯ МОЛНИЯ. М.: Наука, 2022. 319 с.
Priroda. 2023;(5):70-72
pages 70-72 views