Ghinkmar, archiepiskop Reymsskiy. Ob upravlenii dvortsom / per A.V. Bannikov, V.M. Verbin; vstup. st. i komm. A.V. Bannikov. St. Petersburg: Evrasia, 2021. 224 p. (Hincmar, archbishop of Reims. On the Administration of a Palace)

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The review is devoted to Russian translation of De ordine palatii (882), a political tract, written by Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims (845–882). The translation and article were compiled by Andrey Bannikov and Vasily Verbin. The admonition, referred to «mirrors for princes» genre, was addressed to the bishops of West Francia and the king and Carlomann II (866–884), is a kind of completion of Hinkmar’s career, his political testament, which was aimed at maintaining the Carolingian monarchy in a crisis of royal power.

About the authors

N. A Fedonnikov

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Moscow, Russian Federation


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