Domnina E.G. Diplomatiya v epokhu peremen: Tyudory i rimskaya kuriya (1485–1558). Moscow, St-Petersburg: Centre for humanitarian initiatives, Petroglif, 2020. 240 p. (MEDIEVALIA) (Diplomacy in the Times of Changes: the Tudors and the Roman Curia, 1485–1558)



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The study concentrates on the history of diplomatic relations between the early Tudors (1485–1558) and the Roman curia in the context of significant changes that took place in the internal evolution of European nation-states – primarily England – at the turn of the late Middle Ages and early modern times, considering the growing influence of the secular royal power to the detriment of the universalist claims of the papacy. The author traces this tendency in all its complexity and contradictions, given the dual nature of the papal authority. The anglo-papal diplomacy is examined in the framework of complex international relations: the Italian wars, the growing Turkish threat, the consequences of the Hundred Years War, etc. The book contains detailed analysis of the composition of the British diplomatic missions in Rome and their functions. The author highlights the fact that the diplomats, being in the service of the English king, often became servants of the Roman curia.

Sobre autores

T. Gusarova

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Moscow, Russian Federation


  1. Караваева Е.Э. Власть, дипломатия и культура при дворе Генриха VIII Тюдора. М., 2018.
  2. Руденко О.А. Контрреформация в Англии при Марии Тюдор // Англия в эпоху Реформации: (статьи и источники) / под ред. проф. Ю.М. Сапрыкина. М., 1984. С. 69–103.

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