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This article is a study of the notion of dominium in the Latin-language legal culture based on different ancient and early medieval sources. The word dominium together with its lexical-semantic counterpart dominus are often regarded as purely legal terms with a carefully defined meaning. This study suggests a different approach, which implies attention to historical context and to the special role of law in Roman culture. The emphasis is put on the word-usage in Italy of the first half of 6th century CE as reflected in the works of Cassiodorus. Comparative analysis of his «Variae» with the texts of classical and postclassical Antiquity gives the following picture of the evolution of dominium. In the classical period of Roman jurisprudence, a certain number of words that originated in ordinary language and used since remote times to describe the power of a person over an object or another person were appropriated by professional lawyers and reserved for specific legal institutions. However, late-ancient and early-medieval sources such as Codex Theodosianus and Cassiodorus’ «Variae» certify that distinctive connotations of power that link dominium as a legal notion with the wording of earlier stages of social development were not left behind but still given preference over a purely legal perception, which was supposedly characteristic only of the classical period in the history or Roman law and a certain group of lawyers associated therewith.

About the authors

A. S Kovalev

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Moscow, Russia


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