Pathogenetic communication of erectile dysfunction, anxiety and depressive disorders in hypertension



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Erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) is very common, reaching according to various authors 70%, with accompanying psychoemotional disorders aggravate the course of sexual as well as somatic disorders. Associated pathology increases the risk of premature death, worsens the prognosis and reduced social functioning of patients. The common pathogenetic mechanisms of ED, anxiety and depressive disorders and hypertension are endothelial dysfunction with decreased nitric oxide, low levels of androgens, the violation of cortico-visceral connections with the imbalance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and sympathicotonia. Complex pathophysiology requires prescription of adequate anti-hypertensive and psychotherapy, effective treatment of erectile dysfunction.




E. Petrova

Penza State University

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

A. Shutov

Ulyanovsk State University

Professor, MD

V. Strukov

Penza Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education

Professor, MD


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